Struggles of life | Teen Ink

Struggles of life

May 25, 2016
By MariahCogan BRONZE, Everett, Pennsylvania
MariahCogan BRONZE, Everett, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Father: (whipping the horses)” Yah Yah! “

Son: (looking back at the rushing fire) “Do you think we will be able to outrun the flames Dad? “
Father: We have no choice but to try!.  Hold on to the reins my boy, I’m going to get in the back of the wagon and throw out the things that are weighing us down.
Son: (turning his head to look in the wagon) Father, The horses are slowing down! They are getting tired
Father: (quickly jumping up front, glancing back at the heated fire) get in the back son and hold on tight!
Son: Yes father! What is going to happen?
Father: (yelling at son) Do as I say and don’t ask questions!
Son:  (quickly leaps into the back and falls agents the turning wagon side.
Son (screaming) what are we doing Father!? We are going to die if we go straight into the fire. 
Father: (giving no answer) runs the horses and the wagon directly into the fire.
Father: “(turns back looking at son) (softly) my dear boy the fire cannot get us where it has already burnt, just like Sin cannot get us when we seek Jesus. If we seek Jesus the Devil will have nothing to grasp onto and destroy.

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