If I were Brutus | Teen Ink

If I were Brutus

May 16, 2018
By lindsayprado BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
lindsayprado BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Diary,
Cassius has been trying to convince me to join his conspiracy for the longest time. Although I, too, know that Caesar is not someone I can trust to lead the future of Rome, I do know that Cassius may not be completely doing this for the people. I have always had a feeling that Cassius thought of Caesar as an abomination, which is why I think he may not be completely abiding by his morals in this case. It is hard, but I have to believe that Cassius is an honorable man and will stand by that. About an hour ago, I heard a knock and my door and I opened it to reveal men who had covered their faces in the night. After talking with these men, I found that they were once again Cassius and his band trying to rally me to their side. After pondering this decision for a while, I decided that maybe they were right and Caesar had to go. I swore to help in their assassination of the general. It may seem mad, but we planned to carry out our plans tomorrow. I was almost in the clear to commit my honorable crime and be done, but my wife was intrigued to know why I have been so secretive. I immediately felt guilty that I’ve been leaving the woman I married out of my life. The worried expression on her face prompted me to say that I would soon tell her everything. Tomorrow was the big day, the Ides of March, and I was quite nervous and a little excited that I would be granting Rome such justice.

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