What if the Earth tilted to 65 degrees on its axis | Teen Ink

What if the Earth tilted to 65 degrees on its axis

September 28, 2018
By DoughTea BRONZE, Repubic, Missouri
DoughTea BRONZE, Repubic, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our world is very calm compared to other planets in the solar system and even in the galaxy! Like others have burning surfaces to the point they glow, few have raining bleach, and some are even made completely made of diamonds! So to think we live on a planet like this, we are extraordinarily lucky! Our climate and weather are getting more and more severe after every day, because of many factors like global warming, and the destruction of the O-zone, and if we don’t fix it soon, we will be in for one hell of a wild planet full of high-powered storms and burning hot atmosphere. We should be thankful that we live on a planet like this and we should probably keep it, though I am not saying like “GO VEGAN” or anything like that, we should all do our part, after all, it could be worse. Such as, what if the Earth were to decide, “Hey, I am going to tilt a lot on my axis”

If we were to suddenly tilt 65 degrees and pretend this causes no problems during the process of the rotation. Let's say this transition were to take place over a year, from 23.5 degrees to 65 degrees, due to unknown causes, because that is not the biggest elephant in the room. I mean the Earth is literally moving on its own free will, I think we should be worrying about that.

Now the planet would change drastically, I mean the Earth's arctic poles and tropic equator will switch places, but not by place, but by temperatures. You see, if a planet's tilt is over 63 degrees, the planet is facing at a weird angle to its star, where the poles are the places getting the most light and the equator getting the least.

So that means the poles will melt while the entirety of the equator will become a frigid, hellish wasteland where nothing lives, but hey, because of the equator not getting enough heat, we will get a large ice bridge (kinda like how the poles have large ice landmasses, the equator will have that now, but since there is so much more room it will stretch all across the equator) connecting all the continents except for Australia, poor Australia. Now, this would have many atrocious impacts on the Earth, (the switching of the poles and equator, not the ice bridge) For one thing, the wind would change drastically. Wind moves in cells, cold air moves down and comes back up after warming up, but this would completely flip. Which, will change the Coriolis effect, impact many animals, change many migratory patterns for animals, harm air travel, travel by sea, and even the ocean in more ways than one.

Weather would become unstable and extremely powerful due to the changing airflow and different terrain, the storms will move elsewhere, but I'll get to that in a second. If the Earth were to suddenly switch its poles and equator, the people would suffer greatly, because like I said before, the equator would become almost uninhabitable, but surprisingly, few people live there compared to the rest of the world, which would make sense considering a lot of it is just ocean terrain. If people survive from everything else, the only place they could live at that point in time near the bottom of South America, the bottom of Africa, Australia (but let's be honest who lives there anyway), the middle of Eurasia, and the border between the US and Canada. So basically the places that would get affected the least. These might be the only places where plant life would be able to survive for a few years, and because of the population of plants dying, so will most humans, all they have to do now is take the brute force of nature because of the Coriolis effect and changed temperatures. Oh yeah, and that safe place I was talking about, it’s going to be covered in storms, including ones like hurricane sandy and of course, massive supercells (Which are storms that carry very dangerous natural disasters). But after a few years of the changed tilt, plant life (With the help of humans) will start growing in places that they couldn’t before like tropic plants would grow on the islands of the poles after they melt away.

But that leaves one challenge that I have ignored up till now. Because of the swapped temperatures, the poles are going to melt, abruptly, which according to my calculations, is not good at all. If both of the poles were to melt now, Half of the land we stand on will be completely swallowed in a new 51 meters of water around the earth, which will cover A LOT of lands. But we can be grateful knowing that there is no way that this would happen to us because if it did, we would be screwed.

Okay, now let’s go with something a little harder to explain, what if instead, a proto-planet(A planet that is not fully considered a planet yet, either by being too small or not having enough qualities to be considered a planet) is hitting earth and giving its 23.5 degrees tilt, what if the proto-planet hit Earth at a different angle and sent it to a cool 65 degrees. Now let’s start with the basics, things would evolve differently, and not by a little, a lot. Best case scenario, everything that evolved on the equator is now living on the pole and vice-versa.

Because of the giant ice wall and barren wasteland on the equator, humans on each side would look drastically different for quite some time until we learn the necessary abilities and get the proper equipment. To have a long list short, we would be much earlier due to a wider range of sunless locations and of course less sun means less pigmentation, with means we get lighter. We would also be much, much hairier due to the same reasons.

Because of the absurd tilt, weather and seasons are disastrous now, or at the least, way more catastrophic compared to what we have now. The summers would have much hotter days, colder nights, with blistering heats averaging the 90-110 range which is a tad hotter than what we have today. The winters would blow much more cold air, meaning higher wind speeds, and much, much colder blizzards/snowstorms. Everything between them is a sluggish and painful transition to either a blistering hot summer or a frostbite ridden winter. Not an all right good place for a vacation. I mean I wouldn't mind taking a vacation elsewhere, somewhere more… Stable. That reminds me, this planet would be unbelievably unstable, for the most part, planets with high tilts usually never have a stable tilt, for a planet to get a tilt like our hypothetical Earth, the tilt would most likely interval its tilt from 65 to somewhere around 80-something degrees. Which is a crazy, as the more elaborate the tilt the wilder the storms, weather and seasons get, which means, that everything you heard about the wild weather and stuff that you saw and read and understood a minute or two ago. Take the craziness factor and times it by 2 or 3.

Of course, that is extra crazy, maybe to the point where no intelligent life would ever be able to form, unless you are on the tiny band in the middle of it all, from the desert pole and the frozen equator. Which in a best-case scenario, would make life extremely hard especially for us, I mean we are just walking, talking flesh bags, we won't ever stand a chance, and even if you are thinking you stand a change, think again! Because probably the only habitable zone on the planet is in between the hot and cold, get ready for crazy thunderstorms, carrying super-sized super-cells, carrying huge tornadoes which could wipe you and your family out of existence. So yeah, fun times. At least we can relax knowing that nothing like that would ever happen. You know… Unless Global Warming happens.

The author's comments:

This piece was a Choice Writing Piece for my 11th grade English class, I feel that I met expectations.

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