What Did He Do? | Teen Ink

What Did He Do?

October 3, 2018
By sbrown9 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
sbrown9 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sam was a 16 year old sophmore in highschool. She had what people looked at as ¨the perfect life¨. She was always happy, dressed nicely, and was always nice to others. But her life wasn’t what it is seemed to be.

      One day she came home from school and she did her usual routine; got a snack, checked social media and then started homework. On this particular day something didn’t feel right. Her house was too quiet, her mom wasn’t  singing loudly,her brother wasn’t annoying her, and her dad was nowhere to be found. Just then her dad walked in her room, and he had a nervous looking face.

      ¨Get up, pack a bag and hurry to the car¨, her father demanded. Sam thought he was joking, but then realized the serious face and the tone of voice that he was serious. Sam jumped out of bed and did as her father told her as quickly as she could.

       When sam finished packing her bag she ran to car and joined her mother, Joanne and her younger brother, George who was hysterically crying.  As soon as Sam’s father joined them in the car George calmed down and they drove away from their house.

       ¨Where are we going¨, asked Sam. She thought to herself that maybe they were going on a secret vacation, but why her parents act so serious about  a vacation.

      ¨I can’t tell you right now, all that matters is that you all are safe¨, said Sam’s father.

      My father does some top secret work that he won’t let me know about.  I try to put 2 and 2 together when he sometimes comes home with bruises on his face but tells me not to worry about it.

       ¨Safe, what do you mean safe¨, Sam asked nervously?

       ¨I made a very bad mistake, but don’t worry I’ll fix it and things will go back to normal really soon”, replied her father. How could he tell me not to worry after he just scared me to death Sam thought to herself.

     “Are you kidding me,  Once again I have to deal with the consequences of your stupid mistake”, she yelled.

 “I wish I were never in this family!”  Sam was heated, she pulled out her headphones and fell asleep. A few moments later she was awoken by a scream but she couldn’t see anything.

       “Mom, Dad ,George!”, Sam screamed but there was no answer. Someone pulled a bag from over her head but the light in her eyes was bright she couldn’t see who it was.

      Sam was nervous and she could feel her heart beating through her chest. Once she opened her eyes she was in the middle of the woods all alone. Since that day Sam has been on her own and wondering what her father did and wishes she had her family.

The author's comments:

It was an original piece written about a story that popped into my head.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 15 2018 at 5:44 pm
hashslingingslasher BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
4 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs."<br /> <br /> -Karl Marx

This was really good! I would say to maybe add some more dialogue, or a more lengthy description of Sam's life before this event to depict her family secrets in a more unusual light. Otherwise, this was great! I'd love to see a part 2!