bad day hunting | Teen Ink

bad day hunting

December 8, 2018
By davidwhelen BRONZE, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
davidwhelen BRONZE, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Joe woke up really early one morning. He got out of bed and made himself some coffee at 5:00 am and went outside. It was dark, cold, and crisp . Joe decided that he should go out deer hunting. Deer hunting season just started so Joe was excited. He finishes his cup of coffee and went inside to get ready. He dressed in camo with his orange Carhartt hat and orange vest. Next he went out into the garage. He opened up the safe and picked what gun to grab since gunseason was in season right now. He decided to pick his favorite shotgun. The one that he used last year to get the biggest  buck he had ever gotten.

Joe heads out on his journey to find a big buck to bring home. Now it is about 6:00 a.m, Joe is feeling really good about this day. He got up early and had a great start to his day. He is really hoping to find a big buck. He keeps walking for about an hour to his deer stand with his gun over his shoulder. He finally gets to his deer stand at about 7:00 a.m. He sits there for a few hours before he sees a big buck. He is watching the buck’s every move hoping to get a perfect shot on this guy.  Joe says to himself, This is the one, he’s a big guy. After a few minutes Joe decides to take his shot. Joe shoots, the deer hears the shot. The deer shrugs a bit from the loud shot. The shot hits the deer right in the lungs. Great shot by Joe. Finally Joe gets out of his deer stand and heads over to the big buck he had just killed. He checks the deer out making everything ready to bring back to the house. He has a very long walk back with the deer. After a while of dragging the deer back, Joe gets approached by a bear.


Joe decides to act completely normal and not make any fast movements. That’s what bears hate. Bears hate instinct moves. Joe is just standing there very patiently frightened by the bear. The bear decides to lunge at Joe. Joe tries to run away; however, the bear is way faster than Joe is. The bear pounces on Joe. Joe falls to the ground knowing he is gonna get really hurt or even die. Joe’s biggest fear is dying.. He has never been more scared. The bear is biting and scratching him. Joe is getting beat up really bad; he has no idea what he can do. So he just lays there getting beaten by the bear. Finally the bear realizes the deer is laying there not putting up any fight. So the bear gets off of Joe and goes over to the deer. The bear feasts on the deer.

Joe finally gets up and runs. Joe runs away with all these bite and scratch marks all over his body. He is losing a lot of blood. He’s running for home as fast as he can. A one hour walk turns into a 25 minute run for Joe. He isn’t thinking about anything besides getting home. He has so much adrenaline that he is just able to keep running for so long. He finally get home and rushes into the bathroom to clean himself up. He doesn’t go to the hospital because he hates dealing with people. He is stitching himself up d. He then gets a shower to rinse all the blood off of him. So he gets out and puts band-aids all over his body with special ointment to help the cuts.


He gets all cleaned up and bandaged. He decides to make a sandwich for dinner. Not something too hard to make since he is so sore and tired. Which is around 3:00 p.m. He nearly escaped death and was so excited to be home. He finishes eating dinner and decides to call it a very early night and go to bed. Finally Joe wakes up around 9:00a.m and realizes all of that was just a dream.

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