Man Knows more than he Understands | Teen Ink

Man Knows more than he Understands

January 14, 2019
By betzemily BRONZE, Brick, New Jersey
betzemily BRONZE, Brick, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her life is a board game. She wakes up, goes to school, and lives her life as anyone would. She rolls the dice and plays the game. Rylee has learned to never take life seriously, to go with the flow and to live as the universe wants her to.

As high school began, she realized life for what it is. Those who study pass the test, and those who pass the test get into college. She'd never been much of a studier, so to her college was out of the question. In the real world, you won't be given a study guide to solve your problems- and that's real life.

The author's comments:

This is a prompt written as a reaction to the quote, "man knows more than he understands."

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