Eric | Teen Ink


February 25, 2019
By jehtstate5 BRONZE, Hoskins, Nebraska
jehtstate5 BRONZE, Hoskins, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If ya ain't first yer last" -Ricky Bobby

At one time there was a census taken by the government. They wanted to count the people in a town with a disclosed name. In this town lived normal people, whose names are disclosed, and the sheriff of this town, who was referred to as Sheriff Anything because nobody knew his name. Now the people of the town were not happy with the census because it required them to release their information to the government. The people of this town were very stingy with their information and didn’t release it to anybody. The only person that knew the people’s names and information was Sheriff Anything. Since Anything knew the people’s information, and nobody else did, the government officers went to Sheriff Anything, asking for the information of the people in order to count them and such. Sheriff Anything was angered at this request and killed the officials. He would toss the bodies into the riverbed to dispose of them. The officials decided to use force to try to take over the overpowering Sheriff Anybody. They attacked with boats from the sea and there was a very gruesome battle at the coast. In the town the people were finding anything they could to fight back with. The battle went on for days with almost all of the people from the town dying. However, the people would not give up on fighting. Then one day, Sheriff Anybody was shot and killed in his sleep. The assassin, named Eric had stealthily “clapped him” by distracting the Sheriff’s guard dog with a loaf of bread. That phase of his plan had worked. Then the dictator himself came into the town. He gave a speech about how everybody would have to give up their information in order to live. Then there was a loud bang. The dictator fell to the ground, revealing the bullet hole in the back of his head. Then Eric’s voice came forth in the silence, “I shot the sheriff, but I did not shoot the Deputy.”

The author's comments:

I was given eight random words that I had to use in this Flash Fiction story. It turned out to be very abstract and not very specific. I enjoyed writing this story and putting a funny twist on the end.

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