Immigration Narrative | Teen Ink

Immigration Narrative

March 20, 2019
By jaaefinessin SILVER, Sacramento, California
jaaefinessin SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Juan Guzman and Quanita Martinez was a young couple coming from Puerto,Vallarta they want to come to America to fulfill their dreams of working regular jobs and have a family and kids but they don't know how to get out.


“Mami” “Mami” said Juan i know some people from the cartels that know coyotes that can get us across the border, Quanita says “No no nino that's dangerous but that's the only way we can get out of here”. Were gonna leave first thing tomorrow says juan. The next morning they packed their bags and headed out but they had to cross the desert without being caught by the people that kills people in the desert. Juan and Quan starts to head to the desert because the coyote will be  waiting for they on the other side.


Juan and Quan was hiding on the side of a humongous bolder while a white van passed, Quan thought to himself how are we gonna get out. Juan and Quan kept to their journey but  in a few hours the sun is gonna go up and it's gonna get very hot to the point where they could die or have a heat stroke.


Hours later they felt like they have made it nowhere and they felt exhausted. Along the way they came across two other walkers that happened to be from the cartels and was on drugs so they can walk faster and happened to have a dose of crack and gave Juan and Quan some so they can speed up ,Their names was Martin and gina both from puerto and wanted a better life for the sake of their future.


So so so close to having what they wanted, Gina dies from the stroking heat just 1 mile from the overpass. They have to keep going, dying and starving. They only have hope on their side. One fence away, they made it their dreams have come true finally at last the hope and desire filled the anxiety and stress gone.

“Let's go live our best life,” Juan says.

The author's comments:

please enjoy 


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