Invisable | Teen Ink


March 30, 2019
By harthur66 SILVER, Hemet, California
harthur66 SILVER, Hemet, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It is impossible to live without failing at something ."-JK Rowling

It was a cold tuesday morning walking into the miserable school was torture, The thought of the warmth and safety of my bed and my house was perfect. The world always seemed against me, from my parents to people at school. The school, even though beautiful on the outside was sickening on the inside. Sighing heavily, I sit on a bench right outside of my fist class. A group of “grown men” walk up to the bench and stand right in front of me, without noticing me. One of them put there fat butt right on top me me, they didn't even notice me, until he sat right on top of me. He jump up really quickly and spun around staring at me.

“Sorry, I didn't realize you were there.”  I stood up grabbed my stuff and stormed off. It's not the first time I have been sat on and it sucks, it makes me feel invisible.

   “What's up with you grumpy?” My best friend Maya says. I look down and sigh, I can’t lie to her as she can read me as well as she can read novels. I don’t want to tell her the truth and have her laugh at me like she did the last time.

“It's nothing just something that happened eliler.” I reply shortly, I turned to her and she gave the look that every person gets when they have lied. “Fine, I was sat on again.” She was roaring with laughter, and wiping her teary eyes. “Ya, Ya laugh it up.”

“How?” she asked after she had calmed down from laughing.

“I was just sitting down minding my own, when he just came up and sat on me.” I stated. She cracked a little smile.

“Well at least he will remember to look every time he sits down now.” I shrugged my shoulders.   

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