A Bubble's Adventure | Teen Ink

A Bubble's Adventure

April 8, 2019
By lylalogan BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
lylalogan BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Phhhhh” blew the young boy into a bubble wand. Bubbles dispersed in every direction. As I floated up into the crystal blue sky, my only thought was “don’t pop”. As the others were poked and chased by the children in the schoolyard, I ascended into the air. It felt as if I was soaring. The other bubbles that escaped the children were sparse. We all were past their reach, so we were safe, or so we thought.

The powerlines were our next obstacle. They swayed in the soft wind, intimidating us. They were charcoal black hanging from the crusty, brown poles. The chipped wood also provided a danger to us. The bubbles went up, ascending toward the powerlines, getting closer second by second. Many of our group cleared the powerlines. Only a few were defeated and popped.

Suddenly we hear screeching and wings flapping. The air thickened and winds blew harder. A bald eagle was coming for us. I will never forget his horrifying white head with his evil eyes glaring at us. His dangerously pointy beak stuck out of his face. The eagle’s chocolate body was strong, His wings were incredibly strong and flapped with great strength and fury.

The eagle zoomed toward us with great speed. He headed straight for the group of bubbles higher up than me. I watched in horror as he went directly through the cluster, popping every bubble left. I was the only one left. Feeling frightened, I kept ascending into the thin air.

Poof! And just like that my journey ended.

The author's comments:

Hi! My name is Lyla L. and I am in 8th grade at Mount Carmel Academy. I wrote this piece because I just really like saying the word "bubble". 

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