The Last Drive | Teen Ink

The Last Drive

April 24, 2019
By Yodleboi12 BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
Yodleboi12 BRONZE, Lincoln, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

12:00 The man was driving down the winding country road near the beach. He’s just gotten of the phone with his girlfriend. They are in a long distance relationship. She’s not sure if she can keep going on in the relationship from so far away

12:01 He hangs a left and begins driving towards the pier, he wants some fresh air and some time to think.  

12:02 The man was still driving, a single tear began to drip down his face.  He wiped it from his face and continued to go towards the pier.

12:03 As he kept moving towards the pier. He started to get tired from crying. He didn’t know if he could handle breaking up with his girlfriend. They’d been dating for 6 years and he didn’t want to let her go.  

12:04 The man began to drift off into sleep while driving, He swerved and jolted awake. He just needed to get to the pier so he could get fresh air and think

12:05 As he got to the pier he drifted to sleep again. As he fell asleep, his car went over the pier. When the man woke up, he was under the water. He tried to break out of the windows but the wouldn't budge, he tried to open the door but it was stuck.  He knew it was hopeless. He thought about his girlfriend and how she wouldn't even care if he died in this car but he still loved her so much. He was hopeless, he knew he was going to die. He took a breath and felt the water go into his lungs as his girlfriends face got closer and closer as everything got bright. Then black.

The author's comments:

My name is Micah, Im not really a writer but I thougt I'd try my best to write something good and interesting. Thank you and I hope you like it!

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