The Daily Dispatch | Teen Ink

The Daily Dispatch

May 1, 2019
By Kistawills17 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Kistawills17 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I walk into the diner surprised by how empty it is. Not to long after i see Carrie walks in. “Where are the kids?” I ask. “At Mildred’s.” Carries says. “So what did you want to tell me?” she asks curiously. “Well when i tell you, you can’t freak out.” I say. She nods hesitantly. “Well... my boss says... he’ll fire me if I don’t come up with a good story.” “What! You’ve been working there for 5 years. You could basically run the place!” She exclaims. “I know, I know.” I mutter. “How can he just fire you like that George.” She looks at me with worry in her eyes. “What about the kids? How will we pay for the house? How will w-” I cut her words off before she starts rambling. “I’ll find a new job. Any job will do as long as it pays.” Suddenly a man across the diner says. “My friend is looking for a new writer… someone that can really tell and show the story.” The man says. Carrie and I look at each other as if saying that this job is perfect. “Where can i find him?” I ask. “He’s got a shop down the street, should have a big yellow sign on the top.” he says. “Thank you so much!” Carrie says gleaming as we leave the diner.

“There!” Carrie points to a big yellow sign reading. “The Daily Dispatch”. “I’ve heard about this place!” I say turning to Carrie with a frown.“Is that a good or a bad thing?” “Carrie this is the worst newspaper company ever!” I exclaimed. Carrie looked at me in disappointment. “That’s too bad.” She says softly. “What are we going to do?” she asked. “Well i guess i should go in for an interview. A bad job is better than none.” I sighed. “George, I don’t want you to do something you hate. I know how much you love writing.” “Well at least I get to write at this job.” “I guess you’re right...and you even might help them out too!” She says getting more hopeful. “Exactly you get the point!” I say.

As i step in the door the strong smell of ink hits me right in the face. “Hello!” a man says. “Hello” I say as we shake hands. “I heard you were hiring.” “Oh, yes i’ll go get the boss.” he says quickly. As I look around you can tell that this place needs some serious remodeling. There’s chipped paint, the printer looks like it’s about to give out, and even the floor is missing chunks. As I sit down in this wood fold up chair I hear snapping. Before I knew it i was in the floor. I quickly stand up as the man renters the room. The man hands me a paper. “What’s thing?” I ask. “Just a form you need to sign before boss gives you an interview.” “A form, before an interview?” I say curiously. “To see if you’re even worth the time.” The man says as he put a letters in order to make a newspaper. As I was filling out the form I had to call Carrie to come help me with most of it. Finally, we finished, handing it to the printer man. Ten minutes later the printer guy comes out and gives me a handshake. “You’re in!” He chuckles.

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