Revenge of the Kraken | Teen Ink

Revenge of the Kraken

May 15, 2019
By GledisG GOLD, Tirana, Other
GledisG GOLD, Tirana, Other
15 articles 0 photos 12 comments

I still can’t believe it that I lost my wife Emily a month ago. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at a bar with my friend Jake. We hadn’t seen each other for about 5 months, which is why we decided to meet at a bar and catch up with our lives. We stayed at the bar for around 6 hours. The best part was when we started talking about all the actions we did back in the army. The main one was when Mike Russo had ordered me and Jake to get rid of another army’s commander. It was only us two, possibly against a whole army if they would find out we were there, which they did. Anyway, once we got up from the bar, I dropped Jake off at his house and I remember him saying ‘Thanks Brad. Oh also say hi to Emily for me.’ On my way home I saw a car driving at around 200 km/h in a zone which the max speed was 50 km/h. The car didn’t have a license plate and the windows had a black tint, making it harder to see who was inside. Once I went home, I saw my door was broken in half. My whole house was ruined. I rushed immediately to my room. The first thing I saw was Emily laying in her bed with her eyes opened and a bullet in her chest. The bed was covered in blood. On my desk I found a paper saying ‘REVENGE KRAKEN’ with red ink. Two days later I held a funeral for my beautiful Emily. It’s been a month now and I still am on the quest to find who took Emily away from me.

Today I went to Jake’s house and the first thing he told me when I went in was “Brad, I think I know who killed Emily.”

“Who?” I asked.

“Here have a look here,” said Jake while he handed me two letters. One of the letters was the one I found on my desk, and the other one was a goodbye letter that Jake received when he left the army. The handwriting on both letters was very similar.

“You get goodbye letters when you leave the army? I didn't know that. I never got one,” I responded, “who writes them?”

“You don’t get a goodbye letter,” responded Jake, “this letter was written just for me. The one who wrote this letter is Mike Russo, our general in the army. I think I also know why he killed your wife.”

“Why?” I responded.

“It’s for revenge. Remember what happened after the commander execution mission?” said Jake

“Yeah. Now I know why he did it.”

During the mission a soldier spotted us and he screamed ‘intruders’. The whole army was looking for us. Me and Jake managed to kill a few soldiers before we started to fall back. We found an abandoned house, which had enough water to keep only one man alive for 2 days and some food, which most of it was expired. Anyway, we managed to stay there for 2 days before heading back. Often, soldiers would come into the house to check it, which would lead to me and Jake killing them. Once we got back, the first thing that Mike said was ‘Did you kill the commander’. I got triggered and furious. I pushed Mike on the ground and then and then tried to suffocate him to death. I would have succeeded if it weren’t for Jake and the others. Mike Russo himself told me that he will find a way to get revenge on what I did.

“Can you find where Mike lives?” I said.

“I can,” said Jake, “just give me 2 hours and I will find everything we need to know.”

“Ok, I’m going to Raven to get the weapons ready for both of us, and then I am going to visit our old friend Jess to got some special weapons,” I said. Jess was a very good friend that me and Jake had in the army. He now owns an illegal business where he sells special and very dangerous weapons for a high price. Raven, on the other hand, wasn’t a person. It was the room where Jake kept all his weapons and ammo. The reason to why he calls it Raven is because it was his nickname in the army, and mine was The Kraken.

When I went to Raven, I made my bag ready. Most of the weapons weren’t in a very good shape, but they could still do their job. After that, I went to meet up with Jess. I told him about everything. Jess hooked me up with some of the most dangerous and expensive weapons he had. He gave me 5 pistols, 3 assault rifles, 2 knives and 1 sniper. Jess told me they were a gift from him. I thanked him and got back to Jake’s house. Jake had found out all we needed to know about Mike. He found out his house address and the number of soldiers protecting his house. Since Jake had a broken leg, he couldn’t come and help me, so I had to do this all by myself.

“When will you hit?” asked Jake.


I got everything ready. My bulletproof vest, my bag full of weapons, clips and ammo, I had a knife in my shoe, and one in my belt. I also carried 2 pistols in my belt and 2 assault rifles on my back. I had some clips in my pockets. The other weapons such as the sniper, grenades, smoke grenades, assault rifles, SMGs, and pistols were in my bag. I didn’t care if I would come out alive from that mansion or not, all I wanted is to kill Mike.

I drove there and parked my car not to far from Mike’s mansion. ‘It is time’ I thought to myself. I climbed the ladders of a nearby building. From there I took out most of the soldiers and cameras outside the mansion without any witnesses. Once I got to the entrance, a soldier came out. Immediately, I stabbed him in the gut, twice, and then knocked him out. I smashed down the front door. I saw 5 soldiers there ready to pull the trigger. I killed them all, even though I got shot around 7 times. After killing them I screamed at the top of my lungs ‘I am here Mikey’ but I got no response. More soldiers came my way. I took cover and started firing back with my rifle. I killed most of them before I ran out of ammo for the rifle. One of them tried to sneak up on me but I hit him in the face with the empt rifle, shot him twice in his gut and once in the head. The more I pushed my way through, the more the soldiers were adding up. After a long time of fighting, I got rid of all the soldiers and made my way to Mike’s room, where he was waiting for me.

“Good job,” said Mike while he was clapping slowly “it took longer than I expected, I gotta say.”

Angrily, I responded, “Mike, I will make you suffer for what you did.”

“What will you do? Kill me?” he said.

“Killing is easy. I will torture you so you suffer and spend the rest of your life in a hospital,” I said.

“And what if I come out of the hospital?”

“I will kill you.”

As soon as I finished my sentence we both took cover and started shooting at each other. I took out a smoke grenade and threw it at him. So he wouldn’t be able to see me. I shot him twice in his leg. I was out of ammo for almost all my weapons. All I had left was my pistol, a grenade and my knife. I changed my cover and while doing that, I got shot on my knee. I looked at him and he was reloading. I took out my grenade and threw it at the table where he was covering. The grenade teared the table in pieces and left Mike flat on the ground. I went over to him and looked him in the eye. Out of nowhere he took out his pistol and shot my right eye. I put my hand on my eye so I could keep the blood on the same place for as long as possible. I took out my pistol to shoot him, but I was out of ammo. I took out my knife and stabbed him multiple times, leaving him alive with a lot of pain.

“You got your revenge Kraken. You happy know?” said Mike laying flat on the ground injured very badly.

“Yes,” I said.

“Well, it won’t last long,” said Mike and he reacher for a remote next to him.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“It was all a set up, Brad,” said Mike.

“WHAT!” I screamed.

“Bye Kraken, I will meet you in hell,” said Mike as he pressed a button on the remote.

BREAKING NEWS: The ex-commander of our army, Mike Russo, and the best soldier that our army has ever had, Bradon Castle, were caught in an explosion in Mike’s mansion. Both were found dead.


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