ART | Teen Ink


May 20, 2019
By RULIOROCKS BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

...Tap...Tap...Tap 30 minutes

The pencil bounced up and down on the cold tile floor. It was cold in this stupid museum and I have a paper due in a solid 30 minutes.

Welp, it's been fun. It looks like I'm going to somehow fail art again. I thought as I began to throw my pencil in the air like a world-class juggler. I mean, I might as well give up. I have 30 minutes to write a whole essay.  

...Tap...Tap...Tap 25 minutes

   The giant painting loomed over me with all of its brush strokes perfectly in sync.

Come on this shouldn't be so hard. Why can't I just think? Maybe if I got up and walked around that would help.

   I stood up the hazelnut wood slightly cracked under my shoes as I slowly walked back and forth in front of the painting hoping to find something different about it something to make my brain click so I can write this stupid essay.

   This is no use. Now I just have to pee.

...Tap...Tap...Tap 20 minutes

   After sitting down I looking at the painting and it looks different. The shades of colors on this giant paper had changed… The painting was different. The colors were out of sync and the painting started to look offputting. It´s almost like the painting is moving away from its canvas. It is its moving towards me. I sit there my mind enveloped in pure fear as I try to get up but I can't my hands are stuck to the floor all I can do is stare at it slowly start to cover me in its brush strokes.

...Tap...Tap...Tap 15 minutes

   I jolted upwards quicker than I ever have before instantly to the painting. Nothing… it was perfectly fine.

The thing looks the same as when I got to this dump.  I would be the one to fall asleep on this gross floor and end up having a completely terrifying nightmare. It wasn't even a good rest I was asleep for like 5 minutes this blows.

But something did change in the picture. Not the picture itself but I felt connected to the piece I understood it. All of the colors mixed together and now all of the useless squiggles came together to form an amazing painting finally I understood this painting.

Damn all it took to realize what was going on in this painting was to have a terrifying nightmare about being eaten alive.

...Tap...Tap...Tap 10 minutes

Oh no, Where's my pencil.

I look around desperately trying to find my tiny yellow pencil but it's not by me. I get up and start to wander around the room in search for this pencil that is literally holding me in the balance of failing and passing this class I had to find it. But it was nowhere to be seen I sat down and realized this is the end I've failed… again.

How could I have lost a pencil? How am I gonna write? I need to pass this class. I'm not going to be the laughingstock of this stupid class again. I need to do something. Wait a minute…

On the floor next to me is a little piece of led. I picked it up with my pointer finger and thumb and began to haphazardly write my essay.

...Tap...Tap...Tap 5 minutes

I jotted down everything I could think about the painting. The style, the rhythm of the painting and diversity of colors in the painting allowing it to stand out like a firework show.

This is pretty mediocre but I mean I did write it in 5 minutes.  

My hand is aching as I drop the small piece of lead on the floor.

I smile and just like that.

...Tap...Tap...Tap 0 minutes  

The author's comments:

I have just finished recovering from my gynecomastia surgery and I wrote this while I was recovering.

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