Livid | Teen Ink


May 21, 2019
By 2036556 BRONZE, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
2036556 BRONZE, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s the middle of the day at school. My brother is at home sick while I’m stuck here. And the worst part is I forgot my wallet at my house. So I have no way to get lunch today. I lean over in my chair far enough to where the 2 left legs are off the ground about two inches just to whisper to my friend. “Bro, I don’t have my wallet.” I whisper while not looking at him.

“Dang bro...that must suck”. He says in the quiet “I’m not listening to you” type of way. I look over at him to realize he’s staring at the only girl in our class. “You do realize that you staring is a bit creepy” I whisper just loud enough for the whole class but our 80 year old sub to hear. And the second I said that he turned to me and punched my arm with his “I’m going to kill you face”. Eyes wide, smirked lips, face as red as a fire truck, and I know that not a word will come from him for the next hour or so.

The last bell before lunch, screams at us like an angry mom would when we don’t do what she asks, when she asks. When those shrieks of the bell hit my ear drums I remembered I had brought food home from work last night. So I throw my backpack over my shoulder look back at Ryan to see if he was still not talking to me. When he rolled his eyes at me that was the answer to my question, he was about to start.

“Wanna go back to my house for lunch?” I ask him in hopes he would say something, but all he did was nod his head as if in agreement with me.

We walk outside of the classroom into the hall with students running to friends and classes or to the bathroom. I can't believe that we only get five minutes to go to the bathroom and walk to the other end of the school, and sit at our desks, before the bell rings. After we make our way through the animal crowded halls we get to my car. It’s not much of a car than it is seats and an engine on wheels. Although it still runs. I turn to my friend to express how good the food I brought home last night was. “Bro are you even listening to me? I know that you’re mad and stuff but at least listen!” I say jokingly knowing he will talk back to me.

“Just shut up already, and park the freaking car!” He yells and swings the car door open stood 5 feet from the car and stared at me for 5 seconds, then slowly lifted his hand to the door and with all of his strength he slammed it shut. He does this a lot.

I’ve known Jimmy since middle school. He used to be short and scrawny. Now imagine The Rock but with less muscles about 6 inches shorter and with hair that has a big blue streak right down the middle of it. That’s what he looks like in our senior year of high school. By the way I’m Mar it’s short for Martin, but I don't like being called that so I go by Mar. Both Jimmy and I are on the football team. We both signed up for it freshman year as a joke, why we thought it was funny, who knows, but we made the team and have been playing ever since. Anyways enough of this let’s get back to my story.

After he slams the car door with every bit of anger he had towards me all I could do was laugh. And when I laugh he laughs. So there it was he took out all of his anger on my car door. Hey,at least he didn’t take it out one me, slam me into something. It takes me a minute to compose myself and get out of the car, but when I do we walk straight into my house and right towards the kitchen. Jimmy jumps to sit on the counter top of the island while I head to the fridge to get my leftovers and heat them up;before I get completely hangry . When I open the silver fridge door I notice that my food is gone. My hungry anger begins to grow while I look around the fridge. But then I realize there has been only one person at home all day. Remember back to the beginning of my story? Yeah, my twin brother. I walk into the living room where he’s sleeping on the couch, tower over him, scream, and I sit on him. He’s still scrawny so when he makes me angry instead of hitting him all I have to do is sit on him. He instantly wakes up and understands why I’m even more hangry.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I was hungry and didn’t want to order food! I’m sorry!” he says with sarcasm on his breath.

“Well now you are going to have to order food! For me!” I scream back

“Why?” he asks in total confusion

“You ate my food, dummy! So you’re going to get me more” Thats even. “ Hey Jimmy, what do you want to eat?” I ask knowing he’s going to say chinese.

“Kung pao chicken with some cream cheese wontons” He yells with honest integrity.

*2 hours later*

“Man why hasn’t the food come yet? Now I’m going to have to make some ramen. You know I don’t like ramen.”

The author's comments:

We all have that family member who eats the food that we wait tof all day and get home to realize they ate it. that is what this stroy is about.

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