ALone | Teen Ink


May 23, 2019
By 15161 BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
15161 BRONZE, New Castle, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I might be in a roomful of people, yet I still feel alone. No one seems to hear me. No one seems to her anything I say. My words get drowned out by everything else. I've tried to say something, but the sounds and talking make my words almost invisible. That was until I met you. You made me feel heard. I didn’t know what it was like to be heard, before you. Endlessly you would listen. Listen to all I had to asy. I still felt alone, but just in a little bubble with the both of us in it. If only I knew how easily bubbles could beak. And one day, I was lonely again. Enclosed in my own bubble. Isolated from the world.

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