Lost in the woods | Teen Ink

Lost in the woods

September 18, 2019
By Anonymous

A time when two guys was lost in the woods, one name Brandon and the other name CJ. They have been friends for a very long time. One sunny day, CJ asked Brandon if he wanted to go camping with him for the weekends in the woods. Of course Brandon said yes because he was about to spend the weekend with his best friend.

When the weekend came they left in the morning so they could explore and find things in the woods like animals. They saw deer’s and other animals the deeper they got in the woods. Brandon told CJ that they should put down markings so they could find their way back, but CJ said that they were too deep in the woods to put down markings now. Brandon, said ‘’what you mean we’re too deep in the woods to put markings down’’.  This when Brandon knew that they was lost, Brandon saw that CJ kept walking in a circle. Brandon knew that CJ was going to get lost this wasn’t the first time he have gotten lost.

It was getting dark really quick, it was so dark they couldn’t see their hand in front of their face. So they had to stop in the middle of the woods until the sun came back up. This was probably the last time that Brandon was going camping with CJ, because they always get lost when they go places. This wasn’t the first time getting lost with CJ. Like the time we went to the mall together we gotten lost.

As morning was coming up Brandon and CJ started to see other campers heading their way from a distant. They asked them if they knew the way back. They were in luck that they met these campers. Brandon and CJ knew that they were safe now when they saw were they started at.

The author's comments:

This is about two boys getting lost in the woods and are trying to their way out.

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