The Accident | Teen Ink

The Accident

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

 “So, how’s your morning been?” I asked quietly.     
“It’s been a long morning already,” Lyn says, “How was yours?”  
“Mine has been long too, it's too cold in this devilish school,” I said as I started to walk to math when she stopped me.   
“Did you study?” Lyn asked.     
“No, I'm pretty prepared though,” I replied. I had just sat down at my desk when the bell rang to signal that we should be in class.     
“Ok class, hope you all studied over the past three days.” Mrs. Norman said as she started to hand us our tests.     
I grabbed my test and started to work. This doesn’t seem hard I thought to myself. As time started to wind down, I started to get a headache it wasn’t bad, so I thought. Before I could finish my last question, I couldn’t see out my right eye. I blinked a few times but still couldn’t see.   
“It’s fine,” I whispered trying to reassure myself.     
“So, how did it go?” Lyn asked.  
“It went pretty well, what about you?” I asked trying to fumble through my bag to find my phone to check the time. It was ten fifty-two, three minutes to get to my next class and put my stuff away.     
“Pretty well, I think I got an A, but I probably failed.” She said with a sad look on her face.     
We started up the stairs, but I still couldn’t see out my right eye. “Um Lyn, I can’t see out my right eye.” I declared     
“Maybe you should ask Miss. Mulish to go to the nurse.”  
When Lyn and I get to the third period. I set my stuff down and walk over to Mis. Mulish. “May I have a pass to go to the nurse?”   
“Sure.” She said, “What seems to be the problem?”  
“I can’t see out my right eye,” I said laughing a little.  
“Well that’s a problem, " She said, "Want someone to walk you down?”  
“No, I'm good but thanks for asking. “  
While I walked down to the nurse, I was still confused about why I couldn’t see out my right eye. I noticed that if I closed my left eye, I could see out my right eye, but I couldn’t see out both my eyes.   
“Hey, what seems to be the problem?” the nurse said in a mean tone while she read my slip.  
“Umm, I can’t see out my right eye...”  
“Well then try laying down for ten minutes, Ok?” While she set a timer for 10 minutes on her creepy owl clock.   
“Tick, Tick, Tick” Went the creepy owl clock.   
I thought that you could be bleeding out and they would just give you a band-aid.  
I started to lay down when a kid had just come in. The nurse had continued with her speech she has to say to every kid that walks in.   
**Ten Minutes later**  
“I think I am ready to go back to class,” I said. She said ok as she signs my paper and tells me to go back to class. When I got back to class, they were working on a map of Africa. I started to write on my map when I couldn’t feel my hand. What is going on I thought.   
“Do you need some help with that?” Riley said while he was laughing a little.   
“Yeah for some reason I can’t feel my hand,” I replied. At this point, I and the whole table was laughing. But then I couldn’t understand what was happening.   
“Maybe you should go to the nurse,” Riley said.   
As I walk up to Mis. Mulish. “Can I have another pass; I can’t feel my arm,” I said.   
“Sure, maybe take a friend down with you.”   
I asked Lyn to go down to the nurse with me. We are laughing and joking around as we went to the nurse's office.   
“Back so soon! What’s the problem this time?” She drilled.   
“I can’t feel my arm.”  
“I think it’s time to call your mom...”  
I dial my mom and she picked up instantly. I think she had noticed instantly that something was wrong.   
“I’ll have Grandma come pick you up.”   
**15 minutes later**  
I had just gotten my stuff when she had arrived. I had lost the feeling in my arm and my leg now. It was like my whole right side had shut down.   
“What’s wrong honey?” Grandma asked.  
I drop the nurses slip, the office lady picked it up and handed it to me. “I can’t feel my right side” I start to cry.  
“Let me call your mother.” She declared.  
“Umm, yeah she doesn’t seem right,” she says to my mom, “Ok yeah...” So, your mom decided that you are going to the ER.   
**5 minutes later**  
“Don’t worry about your stuff I can bring that by your house later,” Grandma said without any hesitation.  
As we hobbled into the ER, we are greeted right away by the desk lady.  
“How may I help you two?”   
“My granddaughter can’t feel her right side.” Grandma declared almost instantly.  
Grandma continues filling out the papers and showing the information that the lady needed before I officially got put in a room. The room was small it smelled of the sterile cleaner they always use. When I made it to the bed, they had me change and started with the common questions.  
“Do you know where you are?” the nurse asked.  
I don’t know was all I could reply to the rest of the questions they asked me and include that one. After they stopped with their questions, they started to draw blood for the tests they needed.  
At that point, my Dad, Grandpa, and Grandma were all there we were just waiting for my Mom. All I could hear was them asking my dad if they could run tests on my brain. My Dad gave them the go-ahead. The next thing I knew I was being brought into a room with a cat scan.  
“Sweetie can you lie down on the bed from me, so we can get a few images of your brain.”  
As I lie down on the bed, the bed was as cold as ice. While the doctors were doing the scan, they had kept my dad in there with me which made me feel a little better. Once I was out of the scanning room, they brought me back to my room. It was still cold and loud with the hum of the machines going all at once, but mom had wanted me to sleep. After I started to shut my eyes the doctor had come back in to check on me.   
“Well we got some of the tests back, but you’ll have to wait a few more minutes for the others to come back.” the doctor had exclaimed.   
“So, we can leave soon?” Mom had asked.  
“Well, we want to transfer her to another hospital...” The doctor said “An ambulance should be here to pick her up soon and take her. Only one of you can go with her though.” She exclaimed  
“I can go with her, and you can meet us down there?” Mom had asked  
“Sure, I'll drive your car down there,” Dad exclaimed   
They had shown up with the stretchered and loaded me onto it. It was a short drive down to Riley, but it was very bumpy. They were clearing out a room when I had gotten there. They had rolled me to the door, and I had to walk since the fat stretcher couldn’t fit through the door.  
It was a long wait before the neurologist came into see me.   
“Hi Mrs. And Mr. Freebee, my name is Mr. Tom,” Said Tom. “Your daughter scans show nothing out of the ordinary, but since you said that she had a headache we believe that she has complex migraines.” “I’m going to send in a few other neurologists to talk to you.   
All the other neurologists said almost the same thing.   
At that point, my mom had gone to the car to take a break for a minute and left me and my dad to fill out the papers so I could go home. Before we could leave the nurse came in with the papers and asked if I wanted anything to eat since I hadn’t eaten since 7 am and it was 6 pm.   
“Umm, can I have some cereal and apple juice,” I asked.   
About five minutes later they came back with sugar-free cherries and apple juice. After I finished them both up, I got dressed and left.   

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