Do they know? | Teen Ink

Do they know?

March 14, 2022
By c123 GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
c123 GOLD, Wilmington, Delaware
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

   It was a normal Monday like every other. Waking up early, sitting in boring classes, and counting down the minutes until the day was over. Everything was like clockwork, it could not get any more ordinary-- or so I thought. Suddenly as I was sitting in math class dosing off, the phone rings. “Who could it be?” I thought to myself. “Am I going home?” I wondered. 

   “It’s someone’s lucky day.” said the boy sitting next to me. The teacher placed the phone back in its place and walked over to my desk. “Why is she coming over here?” I asked myself. “Could someone have called for me?” I pondered while waiting in my seat. She walked over in time which felt like an eternity. 

   She lowered her voice and said, “Caitlyn, you are needed in the main office immediately.” All eyes were on me. “Was this good or bad? What could I have possibly done? I was always a good student. I kept to myself, I did my work, I always followed the rules. Well, most of the time at least.” 

   “Oh, okay thank you.” I said to her as I gathered my belongings. I slowly exited the classroom still as puzzled and tense as before. It was a long walk to the office meaning I had a while to think about why I was called down. “This is good!” I thought. Or is it? My nerves will just build up more and more with every step I take. Closer and closer to my fate. A teacher passed me. I didn’t know them. 

   “Hello!” they said as they smiled and passed. “Why were they so happy? Didn’t they know how stressed I was at this moment? Didn’t they care? Who am I kidding, nothing is going to happen. No one knows what I did. No one will ever find out. This is nothing. Calm down!” I tried calming myself down as I approached the door. I grabbed the cold metal door handle and turned it down to open the door. The lady at the front desk gave me a warm smile. 

   “Hello dear, what can I do for you?” she asked. “My teacher told me to come to the main office immediately. My name is Caitlyn.” Her face shifted for a brief second, almost too brief for me to catch. But I did. “Why did she shift? What was going on? What did she know?” 

   Suddenly the principal and vice-principal both walked out from an office behind the desk. Neither of them looked too pleased. The lady walked over to them and whispered something to them. They both simultaneously looked over at me. I couldn’t tell what they were thinking. I was confused and terrified. As the principals both walked back into the office, the lady walked back over to me and said, “They will be with you in a minute sweetie.” Her fake kindness angered me more. “What was going on? Why was I here? And why was everyone being so secretive?”

   My thoughts were interrupted when the phone rang letting the lady know they were ready for me. Whatever that meant. This was it. Whatever I was called down for, I would finally know. I was equally relieved to get this over with and petrified someone might know my secret. Without being able to delay the inevitable any longer I walked back into the office. 

   “Shut the door behind you please.” the principal spoke. I did so and slowly sat in the chair opposite his desk. The vice-principal was standing in the corner of the office. “Seriously what was going on?” This could not get any worse. Finally, someone spoke. 

   “We need to have a serious talk with you.” said the principal. “Um okay, about what though,” I asked. It was awkward and silent. The next thing I know the fire alarm rang. We all looked around at each other before jumping up from our seats and rushing to an exit. I was quite literally saved by the bell. I made a pact with myself right then and there that no matter what happened I would never say a word to anyone about that night.


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