Grave's Rave - intro | Teen Ink

Grave's Rave - intro

April 5, 2022
By Anonymous

The year is 2019. the year is 2020. The year is 2021. The year is 2022. The year will be 20xx, but one thing about man, regardless of our scientific advancement will always remain, even if it's within only a few, it will never fade. It is something something that will always remain - his undying mania, something he can easily accomplish but chooses not to because of his compunctious humanity and the lingering doubt of his spirituality.

We as humanity are growing, we grew throughout our dissolute past and we will continue to grow in our obfuscating future, but some desires have always stayed static among us and from the looks of it will continue to do so even in the "bright" future that optimists promise us to have.

I'm Grave and I entice you to come join me as I explore mans thoughts, contemplation and struggles over the ages in this irregularly updating article, each week basing on something that I'm sure someone has already introspected over- some vocalising it and others not.

The author's comments:

Hi, I'm grave (as you've probably already read)  and I'm starting a not so systematic article series  to "discuss" things that Keep me awake at night and probably do the same from others. :)

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