Glamour Glass - Tell a Story | Teen Ink

Glamour Glass - Tell a Story

June 1, 2023
By somyasharma BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
somyasharma BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Writing Contest - Tell a Story 

  Glamour Glass

“ Good morning, everyone. Thank you for being here today. My name is Priya, and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to my latest creation- Glamour Glass. 

Imagine waking up in the morning and walking into your bathroom. You glance at the Glamour Glass and it instantly springs to life, analyzing your skin, your face, even the outfit you're planning to wear for the day. It provides tailored makeup advice, ensuring you start your day with confidence. No more guesswork, no more uncertainty - just personalized recommendations made specifically for you. This level of customization brings out the best in you, enhancing your natural features, and ensuring you always put your best face forward.

Moreover, the Glamour Glass is a time-saver. Gone are the days when you had to trawl through endless online tutorials, trying to figure out the right makeup for your face shape, skin tone, or the occasion. The Glamour Glass provides real-time advice, right there and then, saving you those precious minutes during your morning routine. It’s like having a personal makeup artist who understands you and is always there for you.


What's more, the Glamour Glass also serves as a learning platform. Always wanted to perfect that smokey eye or contour like a pro? The Glamour Glass provides step-by-step guidance, teaching you professional makeup techniques right at home. It breaks down complex methods into simple steps, allowing you to learn and improve your makeup skills over time. This hands-on learning experience is empowering, leading to not only better makeup application but also heightened self-confidence.

In essence, the Glamour Glass is more than just a tool; it's a personal beauty coach. It provides you with the means to look your best, learn new skills, and save time. By integrating the Glamour Glass into your daily routine, you're not just changing how you apply makeup - you're transforming your entire beauty experience.Thank you for joining me on this exciting adventure, and I look forward to sharing more about the incredible world of Glamour Glass with all of you.” 

Played on the background TV.  Stepping out of my front door, a surge of pride washed over me. Today was a special day – a day to celebrate my accomplishments and reflect on the journey that led me here. As I made my way to the mall, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation. With each step, memories flashed through my mind. The countless hours spent coding, the late nights fueled by passion and determination, and the unwavering belief in my creation, Glamour Glass. It had all led to this moment – a moment where I could truly appreciate the impact I had made. As I entered the mall, the hustle and bustle of shoppers enveloped me. The vibrant atmosphere seemed to mirror the energy and enthusiasm radiating from within me. I could hardly contain my smile as I strolled past stores, knowing that I had played a part in revolutionizing the beauty industry. 

Passing by a cosmetics shop, I caught sight of a group of girls gathered around a display, giggling and pointing at the screen. It took me a moment to realize that they were using Glamour Glass, completely captivated by the virtual makeup transformations. The pride within me swelled as I witnessed firsthand the joy and empowerment Glamour Glass brought to others. 

As I continued my walk, my gaze fell upon a large billboard displaying my image alongside the Glamour Glass logo. Seeing myself on that billboard was surreal. It was a reminder that my creation had transcended beyond expectations, touching the lives of countless individuals. With every passing moment, my confidence grew. I felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that I had created something that not only made people feel beautiful but also fostered self-acceptance and empowerment. Glamour Glass had become a symbol of breaking free from societal constraints and celebrating one's true self. 

As I reached the heart of the mall, I couldn't help but feel a swell of gratitude. Gratitude for the support and encouragement I received from my loved ones, the team that had worked tirelessly alongside me, and the users who embraced Glamour Glass with open arms. I stepped into a cosmetics store, feeling a sense of connection to the products on the shelves. Turning toward the source of the disturbance, I saw a young teenager and her mother engaged in a heated argument. The girl's face was flushed with frustration, and her voice carried a mixture of anger and desperation.

 "But Mom, I just want to express myself!" the teenager pleaded, clutching a tube of bright red lipstick in her hand.

  Her mother, a stern expression etched on her face, retorted, "You're too young for all this makeup. It's not necessary." Feeling a sense of déjà vu, I couldn't help but be transported back to my teenage years. Memories of similar clashes with my mother resurfaced, reminding me of the struggles I had faced in pursuing my passion for both coding and makeup. Intrigued and wanting to offer some guidance, I approached the pair cautiously.

 "Excuse me," I began, "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. Is everything alright?" The young girl's eyes widened as she recognized me. "Wait, you're Priya, the creator of Glamour Glass!" I smiled warmly, humbled by her recognition. The mom, previously engaged in her own thoughts, looked up with a puzzled expression on her face. 

"GlamourGlass?" she asked, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. "What is that?" The air was thick with anticipation, as everyone awaited Priya's response.


"Yes, that's me. It seems like you're both disagreeing about makeup." 

The mother gave a light chuckle, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I've been out of the loop, it seems," she joked, stepping towards Priya. She extended her hand in a friendly greeting before continuing, "So, Priya, how exactly does this GlamourGlass work?" There was a lighthearted curiosity in her tone, a welcoming invitation for Priya to share her creation with them.  

“GlamourGlass is a pioneering technology that reflects not only one’s face but also the exact makeup to apply, and the appropriate quantity. Imagine a mirror that provides real-time, personalized makeup advice, right in your bathroom!” 

The mother took a step closer, her gaze shifting between Priya and the cluster of excited girls. She then turned her full attention back to Priya, curiosity lighting up her eyes. "That's quite a thing to be known for. Can you explain how it works?" 

I continued “Glamour Glass is equipped with numerous features to enhance the makeup application process. It includes personalized color suggestions, step-by-step makeup application guides, and even skincare recommendations.”

 The teenager sighs, her voice filled with frustration.

  "I just want to experiment with different looks and express myself, but my mom thinks I'm too young for it." 

The mother exhaled deeply, her face relaxing a tad. "I just want what's right for her, but I'm troubled about her maturing too swiftly and the potential strains she could encounter." Grasping the intricate interplay between individuality and parental apprehension, I imparted my own past experiences. "I understand both perspectives. I went through similar struggles at your age. Makeup can be a medium for expressing oneself, but establishing harmony and appreciating our natural appearance is essential as well." The young girl looked at me, intrigued. "But how can I make my mother understand that using makeup is not about wanting to age prematurely?"

Directing my attention to the mother, I spoke sincerely. "As a parent, your worries are natural. Maybe we can reach common ground. Makeup can be utilized to accentuate one's features and improve self-esteem, but it shouldn't overshadow the importance of being comfortable with our true selves. The key is to create harmony that promotes individuality while fostering self-love." My enthusiasm was palpable as I saw myself being projected on the television. As the mother and daughter began to leave, the mother hesitated briefly and rummaged through her bag.

She pulled out a mascara tube and handed it to her daughter. "Alright," she said gently, "I understand that makeup can be a form of self-expression. But for now, let's start with just this."

The girl's eyes lit up with gratitude as she accepted the mascara. It was a small gesture, but it signified a step towards understanding and compromise. They exchanged a smile, and together they continued their shopping journey.

Sensing an opportunity to further connect with the mother, I approached her privately. "Excuse me," I said softly, "I hope you don't mind me sharing something with you."

The mother turned to me, her eyes curious yet receptive. "Of course, please go ahead."

With empathy in my voice, I spoke from my own experiences. "I understand your concerns as a parent. Makeup can sometimes feel like a symbol of growing up too fast. 

However, I've also seen how it can be a confidence booster, a tool for self-expression, and even a way to enhance natural beauty. It's about finding the right balance."

The Glamour Glass is a pioneering technology that reflects not only your face but also the exact makeup to apply, and the appropriate quantity. Imagine a mirror that provides real-time, personalized makeup advice, right in your bathroom!

She listened attentively, a mix of curiosity and contemplation evident on her face. I continued, "When I created Glamour Glass, it wasn't just about applying makeup. It was about empowering individuals to embrace their unique beauty and feel confident in their skin. Makeup, when used in the right way, can be transformative in a positive sense. It's not about masking who we are, but rather enhancing the features that make us special."

Her expression softened, and I could see a shift in her perspective. "I never thought about it that way," she confessed. 

"I want what's best for my daughter, and perhaps I need to approach her exploration of makeup with a more open mind."

I nodded in understanding. "It's natural to worry as a parent, but supporting her in finding her sense of self-expression and teaching her the importance of self-acceptance could be invaluable. Encourage her to use makeup as a way to enhance her natural beauty, to experiment with different styles, and most importantly, to feel confident and comfortable in her skin."

She let out a thoughtful sigh, a mix of gratitude and reflection. "Thank you for sharing your perspective, Priya. I appreciate your insight. I'll do my best to find that balance and support my daughter in her journey."

With a warm smile, I reassured her, "You're doing a wonderful job as a mother. Just remember, open communication and understanding can go a long way. Your love and guidance will guide her in making the right choices."

As we concluded our conversation, the mother expressed her gratitude and walked away with a renewed sense of understanding. I watched her join her daughter, who was now browsing through the cosmetic section with a newfound sense of excitement and acceptance.

Reflecting on the encounter, I felt a deep sense of fulfillment. The power of communication and empathy had once again bridged a gap, fostering a deeper understanding between a parent and child. It was moments like these that reminded me of the positive impact Glamour Glass had, not only on individuals but also on relationships and perspectives.

Priya exited the store, a warm smile spreading across her face as she gave the young girl a parting nod. The air was alive with chatter and as she passed by a cluster of girls, their excited voices spoke animatedly about something called the "Beauty Sculptor". Her curiosity piqued, she stopped in her tracks.

She pulled out her phone and began searching for this novel concept. The search results revealed that 'Beautysculpturer' was not just new, it was an advanced iteration of her own invention. She stood still, her heart hammering in her chest as she scrolled through pages detailing its revolutionary features.

Unsettling feelings began to seep into her thoughts, interrupted only by the vibrating of her phone. She looked down to see a flood of notifications pouring in from various social media platforms. Her inbox was inundated with emails, each one echoing the buzz about this "Beauty Sculptor".

Her heart pounded harder, her breath hitched, and her mind was a whirlwind of questions and speculations. What did this mean for her invention? Who could have done this? And, most importantly, what would she do now? As the world around her buzzed with anticipation for the "Beauty Sculptor", Priya was left staring at her phone, lost in her thoughts. What happened next was anyone's guess.

The author's comments:

Hello! I'm Somya Sharma, a high school sophomore with a deep passion for the creative arts. When I'm not engaged in my academic pursuits, you'll find me immersing myself in my two favorite pastimes: writing and exploring the fascinating world of makeup.

Writing for me isn't just about stringing words together on a page - it's my personal form of self-expression. It's a window into my world, a glimpse into my thoughts, feelings, and unique perspectives. The topics and styles of my pieces may vary, but each one bears my distinctive voice and narrative style.

When it comes to makeup, I love the journey of discovery and the freedom of creativity it offers. I see each face as a blank canvas, waiting to be transformed into a beautiful work of art with the right blend of colors and brush strokes. From mastering the art of the smokey eye to experimenting with bold, vibrant lip colors, the world of makeup offers me an exciting avenue for exploration and expression.

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