Debt | Teen Ink


September 11, 2023
By MichaelARomero BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
MichaelARomero BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Gabriel is a 16 year old teen that sucks at saving money, but he always wanted a truck and his mom offered to help him buy his truck as long as he pays all the money back.

Gabriel saved up 1.5 thousand dollars and was ready to buy his truck. Finally the day had come, Gabriel and his mom woke up at 7am to take a trip to North Houston. Once they got there they had seen the dark blue silverado for the first time in person.

The truck was almost perfect; it had 22 inch wheels, was dropped 3 inches in the back, and had a performance motor that sounded perfect. Gabriel then asked if he could take the truck for a test drive and the seller said it was fine. The truck didn't ride the best but it was fast and looked amazing, of course the truck wasn't perfect and it had dents and scratches but Gabriel was still excited about getting the truck. Once the test drive was done Gabriel and his mom started negotiating the price of the truck with the seller and he just kept on prattling about the truck.

Once everything was said and done he bought the truck for 6.5k and was starting to make his way back home which was an hour long ride down I-45. Before Gabriel took the truck home he decided to put an alarm and a killswitch on his truck. The alarm and killswitch cost 500 dollars so he had a bit under 1 thousand dollars but then he had to pay for registration and insurance. Gabriel was then left with 400 dollars. Gabriel started to make his way home but he noticed that the rearview mirror was very wobbly, the truck didn't have a center console and the check engine light was on. Surprisingly Gabriel wasn't bothered by this; he was more happy that he had got the truck.

After a week of driving the truck to and from school, the steering components started messing up. Gabriel had just made his first payment and he was down to 400 dollars and wasn't going to have enough money to fix his truck. So Gabriel had to borrow money and had to have the truck sit for 4 days.

Once Gabriel was finally able to fix the truck, he was back to driving it every day again. Two days later Gabriel's truck went into limp mode. Gabriel was distraught and was contemplating selling his truck. Gabriel understood that if he sold his truck as is he wouldn't be able to get anything near the amount of money he paid for the truck so he decided to fix the truck and add things to be able to sell his truck for more. Gabriel added a sound system, changed his wheels and made his truck faster but the more things he added the more expensive it got. Gabriel picked up a second job so he could build the truck faster and be able to have extra money. The more Gabriel fixed his truck and added more things to it the more he started to want to keep it. Gabriel then figured that it would be pointless to sell the truck since he had put so much money and time into the truck. 

Gabriel was finally done building the truck after a year, it stopped giving him headaches, and looked better than ever. He was very proud of how far the truck came and he was finally able to pay off his truck and all his debts.

Gabriel learned a lot of valuable lessons just from his truck like how to be patient, grateful, hardworking, how to budget, and how to not give up. These lessons can be used in real-world situations and Gabriel has used them many times and if it wasn't for his truck he wouldn't know how to handle it. Even years after Gabriel bought the truck he is still extremely grateful for the truck and all the lessons that came with it.

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