skaters | Teen Ink


September 13, 2023
By josh-carazzco BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
josh-carazzco BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cloudy afternoon and the sun was no where in sight. Charlie was sitting in physics class staring at the clock while he watched it slowly go by. his hand were tucked deep into his hoodie pockets. ‘Its freezing in here’ charlie thought. Charlie was tall with light brown hair and hazel eyes. He was wearing a black hoodie with dark blue jeans and his favoirte black and white nike shoes. his teacher was giving a lecture about speed and velocity and all charlie could think about was skating. Charlie had completely tuned out his teacher with his earbuds. He was listening to his favorite artist deftones. He was waiting patiently for the bell to ring while the song ‘’be quit and drive far away’’ played in his ear. ‘This class is taking an eternity’ charlie thought. Charlie decided to put his head down and rest a bit. Charlie was imagining skating the stair set at the hospital by his house. He always wanted to tre flip it since he was little. Charlie had been skating since he was 10. He is now 17 in his last year inhigh school.  His dad was a skater and he would always take charlie with him to the skate parks. Charlie wanted to be just like his dad. Charlie would watch the skaters fly through the air at the skate park in amazement. He knew that is what he wanted to do. Charlie was going to be a skater. Charlie felt a cold hand tap his shoulder he lifted his head up awaking from his sleep. His teacher was standing beside his desk. He told him that the bell had rung. Charlie looked around at all the empty seats seeing that all the other kids had already left. Charlie looked at his teacher and mumbled ‘sorry’ he stood up packed his things and began to exit the classroom. The teacher called out ‘ Hey charlie’. charlie turned around and said ‘yes mr. brantly?’ ‘your failing my class son. You have two months of school left before you graduate maybe you should start paying a little more attention in my class dont you think?’ mr brantly said with a sharp tone. Charlie let out an awkward chuckle and replied ‘yes sir’. Charlie opened the door and left the classroom the hallways werent as crowded because most of the students had already left. Charlie was holding his skateboard walking down the stairs to the front exit. The hallway was really long and there were blue lockers all the way down the hall. The school is really old and they dont even use the lockers. The ceiling had a water leak and there was a bucket on the floor as the water dripped into the bucket slowly. Charlie had finally made it out the school and his friend derek was sitting at a bench with his skateboard in his lap waiting outside for him. Derek had dark brown curly hair and brown eyes. He was wearing light blue baggy jeans with a hole in the knee and a navy blue and white striped color shirt. He was average high and muscular. He stood up from the bench when he saw charlie. Derek and charlie had been best friends since they met in 6th grade. They both had a interest in skating and music. ‘Bro what took you so long?’ Derek asked. ‘I fell asleep in mr. brantlys class’ charlie responded. Derek chuckled and said ‘ i dont blame you. That class is a bore fest.’ charlie smiled. Derek looked at him and said ‘you ready to skate the set?’ charlie said “ its all ive been thinking about dude lets do it.’’ The two boys rolled away from the school on their boards. The side walk around the school was smooth so it was a good place to skate. They made there way to walgreens to pick up some drinks before they go to skate the stair set. They walk into the store and head straight to the drinks. Derek picked out a grape gatorade and charlie picked out a fruit punch. They walked over to the register to paid for there drinks. When they got to the register they handed their drinks to the worker. ‘’Big plans?’’ asked the worker. ‘’You can say that’’ derek said. The worker smiled and said ‘’that will be $3.50’’. They left the store and started skating torwards the hospital. Charlie was nervous and derek could notice this. ‘’Yo you good charlie?’’ derek asked. ‘’Yea dude im fine lets do this.’’ charlie replied. ‘’You sure? Your shaking bro.’’ derek said. ‘’ yea man its all good.’’ derek looked at him for a moment and said ‘all right then.’’ Once they made it to the stair set charlie climbed up the stairs and derek set up his camera to record. Charlie stood there and staired with a nervous glance at all 14 steps. He looked over at derek and derek smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Charlie glanced at him and suddenly he felt like he could do it. Charlie ran back to get a running start. He had a confident focus look on his face. He ran and threw him board down. He was rolling on his board closer and closer to the star set. He began to put his feet in the position for a tre flip. He got close to the set and was ready to pop his board. He popped his board and flicked his foot to do the tre flip. Suddenly charlie was flying in the air. His board was rotating under his feet. Charlie felt like time had slown down, like he was in the air forever. Charlie got scared and bailed out on the trick. He landed on his feet without his board and his momentum caused him to roll over. Derek ran over towards charlie to ask if he was ok. ‘’Bro are you ok?’’ derek asked. ‘’ yea im ok i got this’’ charlie said. Charlie was confident and determined to land his trick. He ran back up the stairs. Charlie thought to himself i got this and threw him board down. He began kicking to gain speed. He was coming up to the set and popped his board. Dont bail please dont bail charlie thought. The board was spinning under his feet and charlie was confident he could land it. He was coming to the bottom of the set and he caught the board with his feet. The board hit the ground and charlie slipped out and slammed on him butt. Charlie let out a scream. Derek rushed to help him up. Charlie said ‘’ Derek i cant its to hard i cant do it.’’ Derek looked at him and said. ‘’Charlie you are the best skater i know you got this.’’ ‘’No derek i cant please i cant feel my legs lets just go home.’’Derek said ‘’ ok if that's what you really want.’’ The two boys began walking home. They walked into their neighborhood and began walking down the street on the sidewalk. They made it to dereks house and charlie said ‘’ bye dude ill see you tommorow.’’ ‘’bye dude i know you can land that tre flip tommorow get some good rest.’’ Derek said. ‘’Nahhh dude i cant i can barely walk.’’ Charlie said.’’trust me bro you got this’’ Derek said and walked inside. Charlie left from in front of Dereks house and began walking home wich was only two streets over. Charlie made it to him house and walked inside. He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. His mom was making taco meat on the stove. ‘’How was school honey?” His mom asked. ‘It was fine’ Charlie said ‘I hurt myself skating pretty bad though.’ ‘’ Charlie you got to be more carful on those things they are so dangerous.’’ His mom said. ‘Dont worry mom i will be fine’ Charlie said. The next day charlie met derek at the stop sign at the end of the street like they always do. They both started skating towards their school. They made it to school and split ways to go to class. After school they met up outside again. Derek asked derek if he was ready to skate the stair set again. Charlie had completely lost hhis confidence from the slam he took the day before so he said he didnt think he can do it. ‘’Charlie i know you can do it bro. You have the skill and you have always wanted to do this now is your chance bro.’’ Charlie looked at him with a puzzled face. ‘’I dont know man i dont think im good enough.’’ Charlie said. ‘’ No charlie we are going to that stair set i cant let you underestimate yourself i know you got this.’’ Derek said. ‘’Alright dude sure i will try.’’ charlie said. ‘Yes!’ Derek screams while jumping into the air. Charlie smiled and let out a laugh. They started making their way to the hospital on their boards. Once they made it to the hospital Charlie ran up the stairs again feeling nervous about his trick. Charlie stood there for a moment scared to attempt the trick. He finally got the courage to throw down his board and roll towards the set.Once he got close to the set he stopped at the top of the stairs. Derek looked at him and said ‘’bro dont be nervous you got this.’’ ‘’But what if i cant do it bro.’’ Charlie replied. ‘’Charlie you have always wanted to do this. You have been talking about this for as long as i have know you dude. Trust me. You can do it.’’ derek said. Charlie felt confident after hearing what derek said. He looked at derek for a moment the looked down at the stair set. ‘’Your right. I can do this.’’ He said. Derek smiled and lifted up his camera to start filming. Charlie looked at the stair set and threw his board down. He felt he was moving in slow motion as he got closer to the stairs. Charlie placed his feet in the position for the trick. It was time to pop the tre flip and charlie pushed his foot down hard for a clean pop. Charlie felt he was flying as the board rotated under his feet. Dont bail this time charlie he thought. Next thing you know charlie landed with the board in his feet and rolled away from the stairs. He had landed it. He finally landed it. In that moment charlie felt complete. A huge feeling of relieve and accomplishment went through him. He was so happy. Derek stood up and shouted ‘OH MY GOD LETS GO CHARLIE!” He ran towards charlie and gave him a big hug. He finally did it.

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