Can it just be right | Teen Ink

Can it just be right

October 16, 2023
By Anonymous

Can it just be right

As a broke high school student, a Saturday night in Osceola isn’t eventful. It's Friday, I go to school, and it's the same thing every day. After school, I drive home and do the chores my parents assigned me…again, the same stuff every day. When I finally finished the chores, I thought to myself, this could’ve been a fun weekend if I had some money. My parents wouldn’t give me any, and you can’t do much on the weekend with no money.

 I decided to text the group chat with all my friends and see if they were doing anything fun tonight or just staying in. They respond and say, “We're doing nothing tonight,” so I bring up the idea of going to someone's house and putting on a movie, and people bring snacks. They all agreed to the picture, so we decided to go to Anna’s house at about 6 o’clock, and we agreed that we would bring our own snacks with us since Anna said she didn’t have enough snacks for all of us. I looked in our pantry at home to see if we had any snacks I could bring, and surprisingly, we had a good amount of snacks I could bring. I’ll bring some for other people.

 I brought goldfish, fruit snacks, M&M’s, popcorn, and Reese’s peanut butter cups. I put them in a bag and placed the bag next to the door, so I don’t forget it. I run to my room and change into sweatpants and a sweatshirt to be comfy. I also grab a blanket and pillow, which I add to the bag. When I get into my car, I text my parents and tell them I’m going to Anna’s house, and they say, “OK.” They don’t seem to care much as long as I tell them. 

Anna only lives about 5 minutes away from me, so it doesn’t take a lot of gas. I get to her house, and I’m the first one there. It is only 5:45, but I wanted to show up earlier to chat with Anna since she's my best friend. We talked for about 10 minutes before everyone showed up. Everyone showed up but Kylie. We just expected her to be a little late because she lives 25 minutes away from Anna’s house and often shows up late to people's houses. We all try texting her and asking where she is, and there isn’t a response, and it's been two minutes already. Thats odd. Kylie typically responds right away. We all talk for a little while until it turns 6:45. Kylie is never 45 minutes late. We tried calling her, but there was no answer, and that's very weird. We all keep calling her, and after maybe 30 tries, there is still no answer. I have Kylie's mom’s number, so I call her. Kylie's mom answers in a hurry and panic. 

We all hurry around the phone, and Anna asks, “What's going on? Why isn’t Kylie answering her phone?”. Her mom says, “Kylie has been in a terrible crash while she was on her way to Anna’s house. She is conscious but has a broken leg and arm”. We all gasped, were shocked, and felt horrible for having this hangout tonight. I ask her mom, “Where is she right now? Can we go and see her?” She says, “She’s at the hospital right now, and she has to undergo surgery on her arm and leg. She will not be able to have visitors for a couple of days per doctors orders.” 

We all were super sad when she said that because we would like to go check up on her and be there for her. While watching our movie, we later discovered that a drunk driver T-boned her going 50 mph. We were all shocked as I read this out loud, and then we all returned to watching the movie. Kylie was on our minds the whole night, and I kept in contact with her mom and saw how she was doing the rest of the night.

The author's comments:

A story about a teen who doesn't have any money but still wants to hang out with her friends. The night ends in a tragic with a friend getting into a car accident. 

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