the screw | Teen Ink

the screw

November 3, 2023
By saasa BRONZE, Cupertino, California
saasa BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I don’t like being useful. I laid on the table. Big, bulging eyes pierced at me, locking their eyes with mine. I was picked up. I’m screwed. The screw was screwed. I sat alone, stuck on the wall. Trapped. I was delighted to see a stranger walk toward me. But if only he could hear me. Instead, he held The Mona Lisa in his hand. She was hovering over me, and then sat on top of me. All eyes were glued on her, and not on me anymore. I was buried beneath anyone’s sight. 

The author's comments:

In my set piece, I attempted to write about a screw from its perspective. I used anthropomorphism which is when an inanimate object possesses human characteristics. This can be seen throughout the piece. In addition, I used a double entendre which can be seen in two lines, and that’s my favorite part of the piece. A double entendre is a phrase with a double meaning. I played around and I came up with this piece.

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