Hit and Run | Teen Ink

Hit and Run

May 16, 2024
By Aria_1524 BRONZE, Dickinson, North Dakota
Aria_1524 BRONZE, Dickinson, North Dakota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Recently, Joshua is being rude and told Beatrice that they can only be friends and started liking her friend Jess. Beatrice was really upset with him because she thinks he is only doing this to get back at her. Max had also cheated on Jess and now keeps playing with her heart because he is a desperate little turd. 

“Joshua is just doing this to get back at me,” Beatrice complains to Jess. “It’s all because I liked his friend once and now he wants to do the same to see how it felt.”

Jess nods and agrees, “You don’t need him, you’re way better and I’m sorry. I feel like this is my fault, and by the way you are way prettier.”

“No it isn’t your fault, and I’m not prettier than you. I just don’t understand, I thought he was a good person,” Beatrice questions.

“He never deserved you, he’s just a meanie,” Jess tries to comfort Beatrice. Later it comes lunchtime and Jess is irritated because of Max. He cheated on her but now he keeps playing with her heart and feelings. 

“Hey, you good bro?” Beatrice turns to Jess concerned.

“Max cheated on me you know. Well he keeps talking to me and acting like he still wants me and likes me,” Jess looks like she is about to throw hands. 

“He’s just stupid and has no respect for women. You deserve way better,” Beatrice outstretches her arms to Jess. They hug it out and finally feel partially relieved. 

Jess and Beatrice both end up going back to their toxic relationships with Max and Joshua. Joshua flirts a little with Beatrice over text like he likes her still. Gullible as always, Beatrice falls into his trap. Now she is fully obsessed with him, maybe I should have given up on him, I’m just going to hurt myself again. Pushing the thought aside she goes dancing along happily down the halls of the school because she thinks he actually likes her. 

Max continues to message Jess asking to get back together. According to her, terrible guys apparently deserve like 6 different chances. Everyone has warned Jess about Max but she never listens to anyone, not even her best friend, Beatrice. Jess also gullible takes the bait and goes back to him. It hasn’t been confirmed that they are a couple again but they act like it by being all up in each others business. I know he will break my heart again but I really like him and want to give him another chance. 

Their bad choices lead to them getting their hearts shattered to a million pieces again. Both girls have a crying session in the bathroom of the school scrieching things like, “Why did he do this to me?!? I hate him so much! He is such a jerk!” Later when they are done crying they decide to no longer stand for the boy’s trash. So, Beatrice and Jess have had enough with guys, they come up with a master plan. This plan was so good it would make their lives so much better. 

“How should we do this?” Jess asks Beatrice. She always asks Beatrice for these ideas because she is an evil scrappy little one with a dark soul. They are both excited about what is going to happen.

“I think we should get Joshua and Max to meet up in the same place in the parking lot, like a set up. Then that is when our plan takes place!” Beatrice shouts almost loud enough for the whole school to hear. 

“Girlie quiet down, we’re still at school,” Jess says shushing Beatrice. 

“Sorry, but how are we supposed to get the two to meet up in the same place. Like how will they know to meet there?” Beatrice gives Jess a confused look. But the look in Jess’s eyes says that she got that all figured out. 

“We are going to send them each an individual message saying to meet over near the front part of the parking lot closest to the building, that way it is faster for them to get there,” Jess explains to Beatrice.

“Ohhh okay,” It looks like a light bulb just lit above her head like it was the smartest thing she has ever heard. 

Getting their plan together, Jess sends Max a message saying ‘meet me near the front of the parking lot after school’. After that, Beatrice sends Joshua the same message. Jess and Beatrice then head to Beatrice’s car to get ready for what is going to happen. They both get their seatbelts fastened and wait and watch for the two of them to arrive. While waiting for them in the car, Jess shouts and points, “Look! They’re coming!”

“Yea buddy lets goooooo!” Beatrice shrieches. She starts the car and the song Ain’t Gonna Answer by NLE Choppa starts playing. Before you know it they speed out of their parking spot. With speed elevating at fast rates, Max and Joshua start to get closer and closer as the car speeds up. Pretty soon the car hits the both of them with a loud thud followed by a thump. Beatrice slams on the brakes just far enough away from the limp bodies but close enough to go jump out and see if they are still alive. Jess and Beatrice whip off their seatbelts and race to the bodies. They both check each of the bodies to see if there was a pulse. 

“No pulse, you?” Beatrice says to Jess.

“Nope, we’re good. Let’s put the bodies in the back, we can dispose of them later,” Jess tells Beatrice. It takes both of the girls to get the bodies in the back because they are larger than them and their bodies are limp due to the fact that they are dead. It takes a good 10 mintutes to get them both secured in the back.

“Ugh, finally,” Beatrice pretends to wipe sweat from her face. 

“Righttt, like that was so hard for no reason. At least no body noticed us,” Jess looks around scoping the area just to be sure. 

“Yea, we better get going,” Beatrice motions Jess to the car.

“Off to the Bahamas! Hot girl summer!” Jess shouts walking like a material girl. They get in the car and drive off blasting songs by Olivia Rodrigo.

A few months have passed and Beatrice and Jess are living their best lives in the Bahamas. No one has every found out that they murdered Max and Joshua, everyone just thinks they ran away. 

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