Summer | Teen Ink


June 5, 2024
By brookesexton BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
brookesexton BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Summer is when I finally feel like myself again. I can guarantee after I hear the final bell on the last day of school I will be sprinting to my car. The burdens of school are lifted off of my shoulders. Summer is like a breath of fresh air in my life. Nothing compares to the feeling of the warm sun on your skin the first day off of school. You can feel the stress of life being washed away.  

As a student summer is a break from life. It allows me to relax after a long year of working hard in school. It takes away my school burnout and in the fall I am able to return to being a better person. Summer gives me time to reflect and continue personal growth. 

Any other season doesn’t compare to what summer gives you. The warm sun and clear blue skies days. Being able to wear shorts and a t-shirt and not feeling cold. As well as being able to enjoy a cooler but comfortable evening sitting outside on your deck, listening to the fireflies and watching the stars. The only thing that gets me through the cold winters is being able to see the jaw dropping orange, yellow and pink cotton candy like skies of summer sunsets. 

Summer is full of so many different opportunities for fun. Living in Wisconsin I am grateful for all of the beautiful lakes nature has to offer. The memories I have made from lake days will last a lifetime. Whether it is crazy water activities such as surfing, tubing, and jet skiing or relaxed activities such as paddle boarding, swimming, taking a boat ride the lake always has something to offer. 

One of my favorite memories from last summer was going to Green Lake with my family. It was a fun and relaxing quick get away. The weekend started off with a pontoon boat ride around the lake. Something about driving a boat for hours is so therapeutic. It was nice to get away from people we know and just have time doing family bonding. 

Summer also gives you an excuse to eat as much ice cream as you want. Late night ice cream runs are the best part of summer. You can go to Culver's, The Kiltie, The Chocolate Factory, Dairy Queen and so many other places. Something about eating ice cream in the winter seems wrong so I love to enjoy it as much as I can in the summer. 

Summer also contains the best holiday … The 4th of July. It’s tradition to go to the Stone Bank 4th of July parade. My summer would have a hole in it if I didn’t attend. Pool parties, tons of candy, water balloon fights, all these activities shaped my summer childhood. The 4th of July wouldn’t be complete without a sparkling, lit up night sky. I could watch fireworks for hours. I am always amazed by the different shapes, colors, and sounds of a firework show. The finale is always the best part and perfectly wraps up another perfect 4th of July day. 

We are finally approaching the absolute best time of the year. I am grateful for what happened this school year but I look forward to the new memories summer 2024 will bring me. Summer is always an adventure and I am thrilled to finally fully feel like myself again.

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