Summer | Teen Ink


June 7, 2024
By 5durand BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
5durand BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Summer, 

You’ve only been gone for two months – yet it feels like forever. 

The leaves, once vibrant green, now blaze with burnt orange. As the days grow shorter and the nights longer I can’t help but think about you. 

As I sit down and write this letter, I can’t help but reminisce about the countless memories we have created – laughing until our stomachs hurt, adventures that seemed never to end, and staying up late just because we could. 

The thought of being cooked like a rotisserie chicken by the blazing sun while lying by your side never ceases to make me smile. 

Sooner rather than later you will come home unannounced. Although you never stay for long, being with you for those few days creates excitement for when you’re home for those three months. 

As soon as you're home for those three months it’s like all my worries go away. It feels like I am truly living. 

When you’re home next time I was thinking we could create a bucket list of things we have always wanted to do and complete all of them while you're home. 

I wish you lived here forever. I miss your positive fun energy when you’re gone. 


Your friend

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece as my final for my composition class. 

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