Forgotten Children, A Tokio Hotel Fan-Fiction | Teen Ink

Forgotten Children, A Tokio Hotel Fan-Fiction

September 15, 2009
By GraceGallows PLATINUM, Plainville, Massachusetts
GraceGallows PLATINUM, Plainville, Massachusetts
41 articles 32 photos 13 comments

I was outside sitting on a our school we went to a field trip to watch the town take down the Christmas tree which usually mint snow :( tomorrow was going to be a snow day everyone knew. It was suppose to snow 7 inches. I was writing in my note book...about how much I love Bill Kaulitz...witch I do..... Allot....he was in my 7th grade class...still elementary was I living..... He was me and had black spiky hair and a side bang. I looked at him he saw me and smiled; I looked down knowing I was blushing. One more thing important about me I had no friends, mainly because I wore jeans and a t shirt instead of a dress. He came over to me and we talked. Come on class the teacher yelled. We got on the bus and I sat alone like always. Once again I was being made fun of and people were yelling at me about how great the world would be without me and pointing out all the bad things about know the usual. Bill stood up and screamed at them. "Oh by the way you left your notebook on the rock.........*pause*" he said and gave it to me.

Tom asked me if I read anything in the notebook and I said yes. It was right there why wouldn't I. I told him it had pages filled with my name and hearts. "Omegas" he said. Oh and also ther was a song, I wrote it down, it’s sad, but here. I said and gave it to him. this is what it read
"Forgotten Children"
Just a normal day
Streets turn into graves
Traces have been removed
The search was disapproved
So cold the night
The weak ones lose the fight
Too many of them out there
No one seems to care
Lost and so alone
Born but never known
Left all on their own
Forgotten children
We'll never hear a name
They carry all the blame
Too young to break the chains
Forgotten children
They see, they feel, believe
Just like we do
They're laughing, and crying
Want to live here
Like me and you
Eyes without light
Too tired of good-byes
Never felt embraced
And frightened of every face
A life in disguise
Hope forever died
Lost and so alone
Born but never known
Left all on their own
Forgotten children
We'll never hear a name
They carry all the blame
Too young to break the chains
Forgotten children
They see, they feel, believe
Just like we do
They’re laughing and crying
Want to live here
Like me and you
It shouldn't really be that way
It shouldn't really be that way
We see, we feel, believe
Just like you
We're laughing and crying
Want to live here
We see, we feel, believe
Just like you
We're laughing and crying
Want to live here
Just like you

"Bill" tom said "do you think this means something" irk but I am going to find out. Tell mom I am over a friend’s house, I am going to see where she lives, not in a stakes way but, he told me he understood and to stop talking.

I went on the bus to go home, well what I call home. The bus ride was sad like always, one girl sat next to me just to tell me to go jump of a building or a cliff or something then got up and got out of the bus. I got off the bus about 10 minutes later and I felt like I was being followed but oh well it was normal to feel that way around here. I went into an alley way (o.k. my home) and pulled out a small box that was hidden, with everything I own in it, a blanket, a pillow 2 other outfits and that's it.
I sat there and cried, the usual routine, nothing else to do. Then someone came over and hugged me. "Why didn't you tell me you lived like this???" it was Bill, I told him I knew no one would care. “I care" he said and grabbed my arm and took me to his house. He told his mom everything. And how he knew I would've died that night with the snow and then before I knew it I had a home. I was kind of well embarrassed when he told his mom and his brother was right there and he looked at me sad but then well the rest is the beginning of a new life.


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