That House | Teen Ink

That House

November 17, 2009
By Anonymous

I looked at the pearly white gate and the brick house behind it. The gate was about as high as my knees, probably designed to keep rodents out but not ruin the view for people to look it. Forsythia and lilac bushes filled the side yard. Freshly cut and raked green grass filled the front yard with planted tulips and daffodils in front of the windows. the path from the front door to the white gate had rocks of many colors, grays and purples and blacks. Different but very much nice. I stared at the house and felt the hot sun beaming on my neck and it was almost if I had found paradise for one second. A beautiful place in a neighborhood of things that should not be seen, or heard, or taught. It was almost if that's all I need to go on with my life, just one look at the tiny @ bedroom, one floor house. I began skipping happily to the 8 family apartment building next door- My House.

The author's comments:
I wanted to make something about sometimes that was out of place but so beautiful. More beautiful that the rest of the scenery. The house just seemed to come to my mind. There are few houses like that in my neighborhood. I was inspired by the dream of walking down the street and seeing a place so cozy and beautiful that it took your breath away. Writing the story was a little challenging because I couldn't find many of the words to what I wanted to do. In all, the piece is satisfying because when I read it I get taken to another place.

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