hairs | Teen Ink


April 1, 2010
By pjknoebel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
pjknoebel GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My familys hair is curly like confetti. You like you have it combed then it goes out of control and suprises you like confetti. Its not just curly but thick. Thick like running your hand through sand. My father is where we get It from. He has short thick, bristly hair. if his hair gets out of place it stays like that all day. My sisters hair is the surliest I have ever seen. It twist and turns like like a tornado tubling towards toronto trying to terminate the town. Its crazy!
My hair is curly.It is no easy task. Some mornings theirs not enough water in the world to get it down from my crazy bed head. My hair is curley. The wind is my enemy. It moves my hair to placves it should not be. My hair is curly. I have to keep it short otherwise it will have a mind of its own. My hair is curly. My hair ties me back to my family. It makes us all one. My hair is curly.


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