The Mountain House Part 5 | Teen Ink

The Mountain House Part 5

May 10, 2010
By Kilia GOLD, Durham, North Carolina
Kilia GOLD, Durham, North Carolina
16 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
At your weakest you learn to be at your strongest.

With Gage’s patrol car in the lead we had no problem. We didn’t see much law enforcement of military, because, as Gage had told me, most of the law enforcement officers weren’t centered in more rural areas, but most were posted in major cities to deter crime and break up riots. But the ones that we saw waved us by. It was a simple trip by then, and I led Gage to the house easily, talking and explaining everything the whole way. He accepted most of the story, and I didn’t try to lie to him too much, but when I did he caught it quick. He was quite an interesting guy, and he did play games a lot. A tease really, a flirt. No wonder we got along, we were one in the same. By the time we finished talking, and I was starting to get tired, we arrived at the mountain, just as the sun was coming up.

There was a river that ran right below the base of the mountain that my grandfather’s house was on. An old fashioned bridge was set across the river, which was roaring loudly as we passed over it. The trip up the mountain was steep, but the car took it easily, Anna, Nick and Laura following behind. We started down the driveway to the house, and I got to the gate, pulled out my keys from my pocket and unlocked it, opening the gate and waving on my friends. I closed and locked it behind me, running down the gravel driveway. I felt free then, very free.

I ran past the hoards of wine berry bushes, which were just starting to let their leaves show, and down past a circle embedded in the trees that my grandfather would mow every summer so we could play croquet. I finally reached down towards the house, and almost starting laughing. The house looked as beautiful as before, the glint of the rising sun on the windows. The cars were lined up on the driveway, and their drivers stepped out slowly, stretching out after their journey. I looked around me, at the house and gravel and trees, and laughed happily.

“This is it.” I grinned widely, and led the way to the front door. Pulling away the screen door I slipped the key into the lock on the door, pushing into the house. As I stepped through the door the scent of lilacs and vanilla rushed to greet me, and I felt at home, at peace. The yellow kitchen, the wooden picnic dining table, and the white furniture in the sitting room, all perfectly intact just as I remembered it. The sun streamed in through the sky lights and wide windows.

I turned back to face them, grinning widely as they filed in behind me. Nick, Anna, Laura and Gage, my new family. “Welcome home, guys. Welcome home.”

The author's comments:
This is the last section of my short story. If you made it to this section, Thank You for reading the entire thing! It means a lot and I hope you enjoyed it!


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