Daisy | Teen Ink


August 23, 2010
By Daniel_47 GOLD, Mililani, Hawaii
Daniel_47 GOLD, Mililani, Hawaii
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Youth has its drawbacks -- because we don't see enough of the world to know enough about ourselves when we're young. There's something to be said for innocence and optimism." ~ Steve Wagenseller

July 11, 2014

River laughed the last time I had wept to him in private.
But, of course, it's his responsibility. How else would I survive? Hahaha. The only way I find laughter is with this feathered pen. Yet even my written laughter causes me to shed a tear or two…on a good day.
August 7, 2014

The Queen of Hypocrisy speaks again! What was it this time? "Where's my present? It's my birthday!" That coming from the woman with the decency to ground me and question me relentlessly after going through my texts when I was in the shower on my 16th birthday?! Pretty sweet, right?
September 2, 2014

I don't know why I decided to write today. Nothing eventful happened, really. Woe is my average life and me. "Ann Marie." How dull could the Queen's creativity when choosing my name have been? I want to be called Daisy. Maybe then I'll be noticed. Maybe then I'll be…loved? Ha. There I go again. Love left me when my Daddy did: birth. But I don't like this "me." I don't want to be me. I can shed Ann Marie, throw her in a compost bin, and be free! Daisy. It has that special ring to it, doesn't it?
December 15, 2014

17th birthday. Nice. This might be the last time I need to write. Acceptance has had a strong effect on me. People like me now. River…. River knows I love him.
River wept the first time I had laughed to him in private.

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