The Silver Chain | Teen Ink

The Silver Chain

November 14, 2010
By Skyler_Henry BRONZE, La Mesa, California
Skyler_Henry BRONZE, La Mesa, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He slowly turned to the sound of my voice and lovingly smiled when he saw me. He was dressed well for the occasion in a crisp collared shirt and his most expensive pair of dark jeans. His hair was perfectly combed and his bright smile shone through the night. We sweetly kissed and I gave him a small rectangular box with a blue bow. As he curiously peered inside his beautiful blue eyes lit up like stars against the night sky. I studied it as I clasped the lock around his neck and the links of the chain reminded me of our love connecting us although we would soon be so far apart. He carefully tucked it into his shirt and smiled. I longingly kissed him again for I knew that this night would quickly be over and I would not see him for the next 6 months while he was away at the police academy. He held me tight in his strong arms and I suddenly felt the unwanted pressure of the clock and the freezing metal of his chain.

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