Tateh | Teen Ink


January 14, 2011
By Zachary Nold SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Zachary Nold SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello, my name is Tateh. Thanks for coming to my movie premiere. I promise this movie will not disappoint. I’ve worked so hard since immigrating here from Latvia.

When my family came over I was the only one who could work. I went from store to store looking for a job but after a week I was uncertain if anyone would hire a Jewish immigrant. I became sick and tired of being told “no we aren’t hiring”, or “we aren’t interested in hiring a Jew” that I became proactive and did the one thing I was good at, art. I bought an easel and stool. And Sat on the side of the road and drew silhouettes of people walking by and sold them.

It wasn’t so easy; the money was slow, so slow in fact to get money my wife cheated on me.
“Can you believe that we had a family together, a family”? Needless to say when I found out I kicked her out on the street and moved to Massachusetts with my daughter to get a fresh start.

I had to get money so I went into a toy store to see if the owner would be interested in buying one of my movie books id been working on.
“I removed my book from my bag, held it at arm’s length and expertly flipped the pages revealing a short story of a girl skating. You should have seen the look on his face, his brows lifted and he even snuck a grin. I could tell he was fascinated so I gave it to him to try himself, he liked it so much he paid me 5 dollars on the spot and 5 dollars for every other book I had on me. He also gave me a letter of agreement that as long as I only sold my books to him he would buy them from me!
What a deal!

I worked hard, real hard knocking out 5 books a day. After a few months of bringing in 25 dollars a day I had enough money saved up to seek my true goal directing motion pictures! I got help from some upper class friends that I met drawing portraits like Mrs. Nesbit. She helped me get some big names for my first movie and she even starred in it herself. If it weren’t for her I’m afraid this movie never would have happen at all.

And I can’t forget because of Mrs. Nesbit and her beach seen in the movie, I met my new love. And the best part about it is now I have a family again. America really has treated me well and given me many opportunities.
Well that’s enough about me enjoy the movie.

Thank you!


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