Weight | Teen Ink


March 9, 2011
By MiteACal BRONZE, Fort Mill, South Carolina
MiteACal BRONZE, Fort Mill, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Reality is a law you must abide by it to get far in society, but when the time comes, and with good cause we all will break it" - anonymous

The calming breeze that touched against his body as he stood along the edge of the ship looking at the water below, the feeling weighted greatly upon his body as he saw his reflection in the slow, and almost completely still ocean. He thought to himself that it all must be this calm, which at its given moment almost seemed real. A small breath is taken with each slow rock of the vessel. While the others had slept he stood wide awake, feeling as the wind itself was controlling all that he was. He wanted to feel the rush of the cool waves, to feel relief on this heat stroke they called a summer night. He felt his legs give way to what held him towards the floor, he lifted himself over the barge and jumped for this cool relief that would soon fill his body, his worries where free and his flaws where no longer existent, soon motion turned to relaxation and mind sent to slumber, this is the weight of lost love.

The author's comments:
A common ideal

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