Happy New Year’s!!!!!!!!!!!! | Teen Ink

Happy New Year’s!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 25, 2011
By tahir GOLD, El Cerrito, California
tahir GOLD, El Cerrito, California
17 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
"the beggar can be the king as the king is the beggar"

My New Years resolution is, you should think before you act before it leads me to trouble. I have a great reason to believe I should work on this resolution. My actions of not thinking before committing an action has led me to many troubles with my parents, siblings, teachers, friends, and family. So, this morning when I sat down to write down my resolution of the year I decide to use, “ Think before you do something that leads to trouble!!” All of my mistakes made before thinking weren’t so serious as the time I punched my little brother.

It was March and a few days before my mom’s birthday. My mom’s birthday is on March 15th, we always celebrated it so that is why I remember what month it was. Anyway I had just turned sixteen that November and was boasting to my little brother ( who was fourteen.) that I had a driver’s license now and that I didn’t have to make a homemade present for mom. I could drive to the store and buy it for myself. I also didn’t have to save half of my allowance so whenever there’s a celebration i could buy gifts, since I had a gob at the MRF ( Medical Research Facility) and dad had doubled my allowance. So that year I had a good boost in the beginning of the year. So a few days before I fought with my brother I went to the mall with my friends and bought my mom an expensive vase from Furniture.

When I got home I quietly hid my gift under my brother’s bed since my bed had a joined shelving unit filled with my clothes under it. When my little brother discovered my gift he said since he had found it it was his. We got into a disagreement and we were yelling so loud that our parents heard us in the living room and came to see what had happened. When my mom saw the present she said that it was beautiful and she thanked me. Talha was forgiven with the advice to be more respectful. I was mad my surprise had been ruined, but I knew that if I tried to get back at Talha it would only ruin my mom’s upcoming birthday.

I stayed out of Talha’s space, but it seemed that for Talha a strict scolding wasn’t enough for him. Talha started to bother me about how our older brother, Abbad, was better than me and how he had a better job. I know my big brother is better than me, but no one criticizes my job. I mean I had worked hard for it, but I ignored him. When he saw that I wasn’t annoyed by him he decided to make a wreck of my car. One day I found Talha coloring on the side mirrors of my car ( which is the new style Hybrid, dad’s present) with permanent marker. That really got on my nerves. I got so mad that I punched Talha while he was standing up since he’d seen me come. When I punched him he got that look of surprise on him , but that suddenly turned to pain. I’m like I’m not fat or buff but I am healthy enough to pack a good punch.

Talha had to be taken to the emergency room, we were there for a few hours where I got lectured and got cold stares from anybody who was there with us while waiting. My punishment was that I had to go 5 months without any privileges and my dad’s silent mode and my mom’s cold stares that gave me the hebiejeebies.

Talha had to give up his privileges too, and he blamed me for it. He decided to get back at me by showing me how it feels to be punched. I was in my room when he came in from the back and punched me. I am a lot stronger then “skinny bones“, Talha’s nickname and I can deal a lot with pain and that’s natural with having two brothers. And this time I decided instead of punching him like I felt, I back handed him and pushed him into the mattress, while I called my mom. After my mom talked to him and added more time to his punishment.

Talha started doing exercise with my mom to control his anger. It was good because Talha and me started working out our problems and how we should work through them. now that I am grown ups and living a successful life as a writer slash medical doctor for adults and during summertime for children for free, my brothers and I are the best friends.


This article has 1 comment.

PJD17 SILVER said...
on Mar. 31 2011 at 5:48 pm
PJD17 SILVER, Belleville, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 624 comments

Favorite Quote:
I do the best imatation of myself- Ben Folds

good work  could you please check out and comment on my story Manso's Shame  i would really appreciate the feedback