A Man on the Sidewalk | Teen Ink

A Man on the Sidewalk

May 30, 2011
By Allie225 SILVER, Castlegar, Other
Allie225 SILVER, Castlegar, Other
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never expect it. - Jack Handy

A man, barely over 32, sits alone on the sidewalk. A sullen look to his face, he doesn't notice the rain falling into his short blond hair. His grey eyes, unseeing and unfeeling to the world around him.
It is almost a comedic sight, his long legs and figure, hunched over in the rain, alone on the sidewalk. On the busy streets of New York, not a bustle can be heard. There is no living movement.
I watch in confusion as he brings out a small object from his back pocket. Even though I can't see it, I know what it is.
"Janice!" He says hurriedly. "Look at this!” I smile, holding my umbrella over the two of us so my idiot of a husband is no longer being drenched by falling water. He is smiling profusely, with an exuberance that could only be compared to that of a child’s. I look into the brightened window of this small store. In the window is a locket much like the one my husband bought for me 2 years ago on our honeymoon.
"Carol's Birthday is coming up, and you know how she is always saying that she wants to be exactly like Mommy!”
Giving a locket to our almost 3 year old daughter on her birthday sounds like the perfect gift.
The darkened sun is dying down, as it is almost dusk. I turn to him, his face still lit up about his newest idea and treasure. He knows I can't say no.
"Alright, but you're paying!” He jumps with joy as he bounces to the door.
*Flash Forward*
That was 13 years ago. Our little Carol would have been 16 today. It was a loss my husband will never let go of.
He wakes up screaming in the night sometimes. He says that he sees the lights of the car coming closer and closer. He says he can hear me screaming to get off the road.
It's raining. It's dusk. Not a sound can be heard on these so called busy streets of New York. Quietly, my husband is crying.
From years of experience, I leave him be.

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