Her Eyes | Teen Ink

Her Eyes

June 23, 2011
By Inittowinit SILVER, Albertson, New York
Inittowinit SILVER, Albertson, New York
8 articles 2 photos 0 comments

She is staring at the ceiling.
Head laid back on the cold, rough pillows. She can hear her heart thumping underneath her chest.
The alarm clock is ticking down by the minute, and so is her life.
It is coming to an end soon.
She knows this and so do her family and friends. They all are aside her for the moment but are gone the whole day. She is alone, frustrated, worried, and scared. Her tears are left alone on top of her cheeks. They do not slide away. Palms now clenched into tightly held fists. She breathes in deeply once again and goes back to sleep.

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