That One Thought | Teen Ink

That One Thought

August 31, 2011
By alexxxxxxx BRONZE, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
alexxxxxxx BRONZE, Pompton Plains, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"when you are filled to the brim with love, you are youe most beautiful."

Ever since I was very young, when I started learning new things, I developed a wandering mind capable of wondering about things others usually could not. As always, I would wonder when the grass grew, or how the moon knew when to come out, versus the sun. Now, one thought provokes my adhesively questioning mind, are we all meant to belong in this world? This is a question that is soaring through my cluttered mind, raging my brain, and running rapid through thoughts I cannot interpret. But yes, you can go ahead and laugh. We all just might. Just remember my words to you.
Don’t you, yourself, wonder if we all have some type of place? How could every single person on this earth fit in somewhere? Look here at those simple questions with an overrated amount of answers. Or wait. Let us take a small step backwards… Can we, as a big group, belong? It seems to send me mixed messages. Do you feel the blood rushing through your veins? Running around, tensing up each muscle it passes? Is anyone getting those goose bumps? Answers to these questions take that extra step of individuality, or uniqueness. Everyone has their own powerful differences that make one “belong,” but should everyone really make it that far? No. No, not everyone can have their own place here. There is such a pain out there that we feel. One that runs through our veins, finding that there is no way out. It is affliction that cannot be seen or heard. Something grows inside of you, waiting for it all too just vanish. Then you realize… it is too late. A pin drops. A breath is held. Like a tug on your jacket sleeve right out from under you. Sadness fills the throat, chills the body. Belong? Never.

The author's comments:
When thoughts grow, a story is born.

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