LIghten Up Surface | Teen Ink

LIghten Up Surface

March 26, 2012
By chasef0908 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
chasef0908 BRONZE, Columbus, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I loom upon my dark skin. I'm not pround of the color is is. A dark cocoa, littin up once the light hits is. I can't change what sits upon the surface, but now im proud of it. I'm coming to america,where my dreams will be forfilled. Nobody will look at me in a strange manner. I will be looked at in the same way other people are looked at. Not judged by the surface of my dank skin. I will light up other people's eyes. I will be different,what i've always wanted to be! I will be bright and unique,not anymore a "nobody". My surface of skin will always be dark, but amazingly still be filled with an extravagance my surface can't hold. The surface, I'm proud of mine!

The author's comments:
this prompt we used was the "the surface"


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