My Life on a Path | Teen Ink

My Life on a Path

May 10, 2012
By CureDaisy BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
CureDaisy BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is the ever confusing forked path my feet have stumble upon. Anxiety comes in w, coursing through my veins and piling up in my clenched fists. The overwhelming joys and suffering consequences that accessorize each road make my head spin in distress. Which path should I take? Which one is the right one? Impossible questions make me dizzy with confusion and lose my footing on the dusty dirt road among the leaves and twigs. Anticipation inspires my feet to take a few more steps, but halt in hesitation. My wide eyes once again take in the image of the tall tress blocking the sky and the road slicing in two. My feet shuffle where I stand, glued to the ground in indecision in front of the ever puzzling forked road.

The author's comments:
I hope that some of my readers can relate to this in a way because a lot of teens eventually have to make an ultimate choice that utterly leads them to metaphoric forked road on the path of life.


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