Mistakes | Teen Ink


November 13, 2012
By Smith713 BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
Smith713 BRONZE, Jacksonville, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Money is of the mind, not the pocket"-Pharrell Williams

What is the definition of mistake? To do something stupid without thinking, to not stop to think about what kind of trouble a person will get into if they go through with their decision. I’m a person who makes mistakes, but this might have been the worst mistake I’ve ever made. This could ruin my senior year, so I can’t let anyone find out about this situation.
Damn, I can feel my heart pounding through my shirt; I feel as if I am about to pee in my pants and take a dump at the same time. This is madness. I've never been in trouble for something this big before. I turned around to look at my mother and she looked terrified for me. I began to cry silently; the judge ordered me to stand.
Would I be punished or let go?
I closed my eyes and prayed to God to help me. The judge’s voice was loud and sharp. With a calm but trembling voice he said, “Guilty, sentenced to two years in jail.” I felt my eyes were about to pop outta my skull, my mouth opened and I let out a loud scream. The cop grabbed me but I tried to escape. That’s when three more cops restrained me.My family watched in disbelief; as the cops dragged me away. As the door was closing I caught one last glimpse of my mother.
After a few , on a bus with 30 other guilty people of all races and sizes. It was the scariest damn thing I’ve ever experienced, everyone was yelling and cursing and the cops had big guns and police bats. The person next to me was surprisingly cool, his name was Tony and he was around my age. He got arrested for being at the wrong place at the wrong time and got dragged into some bullshit which got him here. We talked the whole ride to the jail and when we finally arrived my heart shattered and everything became dark.
We arrived at the jail. It looked worse than in movies i saw, there were inmates outside yelling and screaming at everyone coming of the bus. The cops walked us to the front of the building and inside where we were striped down and givin jail clothes and house slippers. We had to take showers with these nasty smelling chemicals before we put the clothes on, we then got cells and I was lucky enough to get put with the guy I met on the bus.
The first couple days were harder than I expected. I got into 8 fights and almost got raped in the bathroom, my mother came to visit once. It wasn't a very pleasant visit. After that visit, being in here changed me, I wasn't the same person anymore. Over the next couple months, all I did was workout, fight, read and try to stay strong for my family but it wasn't working out like I thought it would. The person I once was, wasn't who I was now. I thought about death a lot while being in here, It had been a year and three months so far and it didn't get any better.

What is the definition of mistake?

The author's comments:
It was a random story, that just came to me as I wrote it. I hope this gives people the mind state to think about what they do before they do it.


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