Skateboard Life | Teen Ink

Skateboard Life

December 14, 2012
By Marshmello BRONZE, Garland, Texas
Marshmello BRONZE, Garland, Texas
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I’m eager to get put together and be sent to a new owner. Finally for a few months now, I got picked and can’t wait to see how good I am to my owner. But now, I just wish that I was never sold to him.
I’m doing good, but not my owner. He treats me like I’m just a piece of wood. Only when we ride and cruise, he’s really calm. It’s the best time that we can loose ourselves up, but when it is time for a street part, he sucks.
It happen like it’s nothing. He chipped my nose and my tail. Slamming me, throwing me, and stomping around because he can’t land any tricks. By the time, I’m falling apart.
The next day he’s messing me up, bad. Over and over again, I’m chipping wood in a lot of pain. Trying again, although I respect that, but does he know when to stop and think.
“Snap!” He looked down to the ground and saw me in half. Even though I know he knew that he didn’t care for his own skateboard, I’m glad that I’m no good for him anymore. I can just rot away like a normal skateboard.

The author's comments:
A skateboard that doesn't get treated well from his owner, and wish he would stop.

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