It seemed lika a good idea to watch a movie | Teen Ink

It seemed lika a good idea to watch a movie

December 14, 2012
By saeyob BRONZE, Garland, Texas
saeyob BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It seemed like a good idea to stay up late yesterday just to watch a long scary movie that felt very hilarious by many people. It had Martin Lawrence the hilarious guy casting in the movie. I saw the trailer of movie repeatedly, and couldn't’t get enough of it.
It was time to watch it now. My dad rented the movie from Red box, He allowed me to pick a movie when we went together to Red box. I felt so eager to watch the movie that the fifteen minute ride to home felt like an hour. I got to stay up late to watch the movie, so when we arrived at home, I quickly inserted the movie in the DVD. My mom had already popped us popcorn, so we were ready to watch a movie. My dad laughed throughout the whole movie, while I was scared throughout some parts, then I started getting tired and sleepy through the movie. My dad told me to go to bed, so I brushed my teeth and went to sleep. couldn't get to sleep because I kept having nightmares over and over again. I turned around and I looked at the time telling me it’s time for me to get up. I got up and went to the school that I had to attend to every week day, but I felt so tired and exhausted that I started sleeping in some of my classes.

I regretted the day that I stayed up late to watch the scary and hilarious movie that gave me nightmares the whole night and, and it also gave me trouble throughout the day. I thought I will never watch a scary movie, when it’s late and when it’s a school night in the outside, but in the outside it was all worth it.

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