The Big Decision | Teen Ink

The Big Decision

December 20, 2012
By Anonymous

It was 12:20 and James Stable was eating some fried potatoes and scrambled eggs with pork sausage and warm slices of smoked hickory bacon for brunch and was waiting for his friend Tim Potter. The boys were supposed to be at the Fairfield Park in 15 minutes. James was getting tired of waiting for Tim so he called him and told him to meet him at the park. When the boys meet up with few kids walking up and asked if they needed any more people to play with.
Tim and James needed a couple more people to play knockout with. The group of kids wanted to do some exercises before they played knockout. So Tim says to do a couple of running drills first. They all agreed to run from the basketball court to the swings at the park. After that they did a stretching drill. James said let’s start playing knockout. First up were James and Tim. James shot first and he missed it. Tim shoots and makes it.
Tim sees the people on their team. Tim asks the team if they wanted to play a quick game of 21.
The team said, “yea but coach is gonna pick us up in min.” So the boys had played a game of 21 which Tim had won. After the game, coach came and picked up the kids from the park to go to the stadium when they had seen the other team.
The other teams coach was talking smack about them. So the coach said that they wanted to face them in a game of 21.
And the opposing coach said, “Let’s play some ball yaw.” They play a game of 21. James passed the ball in to Tim to start the game Tim had shot a three pointer and he made it. A couple of minutes later it was tied up 14 to 14, and it was time to leave. So the coaches got their teams gathered up and told them to get on the bus.
James had just realized that it was in the state stadium. When they got there they saw it was a full crowd.
James had told Tim to come over to him, James said, “Tim I have stage freight and I’m so very afraid of going out in this crowd and do my best I don’t know what to do help me”.
Tim asked, “Do ya think ya could pretend nobody was here?”
“I’ll try,” James replied. The game started and the other team won the tipoff. The opposing team had missed their first five shots. The score was 17 to 4 with James team up. At half time the teams had did a trick shot contest. At the end of the final quarter it was 35 to 22 and James and Tim’s team won the UN championship.

The author's comments:
It is just for class

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