Used To Be | Teen Ink

Used To Be

February 4, 2013
By EllaJ GOLD, Reinach, Other
EllaJ GOLD, Reinach, Other
13 articles 0 photos 6 comments

She used to be beautiful. She used to flick her hair out of her eyes, and boys’ eyes used to stare in wonder. She used to smile genuinely as she walked with her friends. She used to go to parties and get crazy-drunk but her mascara wasn't smudged one bit. And then she would get up in the morning and act like nothing had happened. She used to run up her boyfriend and make out with him in the middle of the corridor until the bell rang, before sneaking into class. She used to be happy with her life, she used to make do. She used to not care what people thought or said about her. She used to say that she was above them. She used to annoy people with her beauty and not even notice the glares other girls gave her. She used to eat like a pig but still stay stick-thin, without an ounce of fat on her. She used to be insanely busy, always having something to do, but still got a decent night’s sleep, looking bright-eyed in the morning. She used to go for motorcycle rides at midnight with the boy of her dreams, and sneak back home in the early hours of the morning. She used to love her brother and sisters; she used to adore her parents. She used to win every competition she entered easily, without much training needed, and came home with huge trophies for one thing or another. She used to have dreams, she used to have plans. She knew where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do. She was going to be famous, she was going to be a star. She was a good person, she used to always put her friends before herself. Even those she hated, she used to treat them with respect. She never missed a deadline and her grades were always flawless. She could talk for hours and hours about nothing in particular but knew when to shut up too. She was, in every possible way, the most perfect girl in the world. It wasn't because she was flawless, in fact, she was far from it. But she used to not care about those imperfections, she used to look forward and not peer back. She used to be beautiful.

But then she met him. He was tall he was handsome, he was dreamy. There was a side to him that she fell for, head first into the depths of the great ocean. She tried to reach the surface, but she was drowning, drowning fast, and nobody noticed her struggle. She stopped flicking her hair out of her eyes, she stopped smiling while walking, and didn't go to parties as often. She no longer enjoyed getting drunk and made up, and in the morning she started slacking. Make-up couldn't hide those dark circles, and people were starting to notice. She started to hear the criticisms people said, she started to believe them. She started piling on the pounds and so she trained for tournaments more. She worked so hard she became over-tired, and lost concentration in and out of school. Her dreams began to fade as she lost her way. She turned to people who weren't her friends, to people she couldn't trust, and they slowly began to change her. He stayed, bullying her, threatening her, ruining her, all the while, without a care in the world. And then, just as she’d had enough, he left her. He told her it was over, that it should have been a long time ago.

And the girl that was once beautiful became the girl in the coffin, cold and with a broken heart.

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This article has 2 comments.

EllaJ GOLD said...
on Feb. 14 2013 at 10:12 am
EllaJ GOLD, Reinach, Other
13 articles 0 photos 6 comments
thank you so much! yeah, i wanted it to be kind of vague so readers could interpret it in their own way.

on Feb. 8 2013 at 11:43 am
sweetangel4life GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
19 articles 0 photos 85 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet". Romeo and Juliet ( Quote Act II, Sc. II).

"Let them eat cake."
Marie Antoinette

i like how you imply the abuse from the boyfriend without getting violent or over detailed. and the dramatic was very well written :) keep a-writing!