Stranded | Teen Ink


March 4, 2013
By BrittanyReneeH BRONZE, Jay, Oklahoma
BrittanyReneeH BRONZE, Jay, Oklahoma
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I was absolutely lost. Not couldn’t find my way out of the mall lost but more of a stranded in the middle of the desert lost. Except I wasn’t in the desert, I was on an island. Let me rephrase that, I was marooned on an island in the middle of nowhere. How did I get here you might ask? Well, let’s go back 48 hours ago.

You see I was just getting ready to go home from work when my boss decided that I needed a vacation. Which I didn’t think was a bad idea either at the time. So she gave me a ticket to and all-expense paid trip to Puerto Rico. So off I went.

So the idea was that a small charter plane would take me from Florida to Puerto Rico. The only problem was we never made it. See I was told that the guy flying the plane was the best pilot around, but we hit an electric storm and down we went.

So here I am stranded on an island with a pilot called Tom. I mean sure I have to give him some credit he did at least bring us down without killing us and at least we’re on land. So now we’re just sitting around… doing nothing. Which isn’t a problem I guess, but how are we supposed to get rescued by doing nothing? I’m no expert or anything but shouldn’t we be, I don’t know, making a signal fire or something?

I ask Tom this and I am not pleased with the answer. Apparently, nobody will even know we’re missing until tomorrow. So we’re stuck here for the night in a jungle and we have no clue kind of animals are in it.

The next day we worked on a signal fire. I mean and we sat again, it’s quite boring. Sure things could be worse. I could be stranded here by myself or with an ugly fat guy. Tom really isn’t that bad to look at. He is tall with dark hair. And let me tell you he really has some very nice muscles. Anyway what I’m trying to say is at least I’m stranded with someone who knows what they’re doing.

So a week has gone by and it was absolutely boring. Nothing happened at all, we saw noting. No ships, no planes, no nothing. We explored a little bit ate some fruit and sat on the beach. Oh we did talk some that was good because it was the only non-boring thing we did.

Time passed and we never got rescued. Neither of us knows how much time had passed. We built a tree house and live in it now. I think we both kind of gave up on getting rescued. We never see any ships or planes and I think now that we lived here for a while even if we did see one we would let it pass. We’ve gotten so used to living here this is where we belong.

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