The Room | Teen Ink

The Room

May 20, 2013
By Berto420_69 BRONZE, Coronado, California
Berto420_69 BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Steven sprinted down the dark, empty hallway, not even taking the chance to look back and see the horror after him. He could hear the colossal footsteps of a teen that looked like a man who was pumped up on roids. This was Sheldon, Shantville High’s hidden menace. He was a massive teen added together with two divorced, alcoholic parents and obvious home issues. He took his frustration out on the weakest kids he could find, and, sometimes, just for amusement, but anyways, back to the story. All of a sudden, Steven felt a massive, meaty hand grip the handle on the top of his book-filled backpack and lift him up into the air with ease. He was then thrown into the hard wall of lockers to the right of him. He felt a large pain in his right shoulder blade and he fell to the floor. He was lifted into the air again, this time like a lifeless ragdoll, and held up against the lockers. Sheldon threw several punches straight into Steven’s gut with an insane amount of force. He let Steven go and he just fell to the ground only letting out a slight whimper. Sheldon looked at the pathetic figure on the ground for a second and then shuffled away, making a noise very similar to what a grunting Neanderthal might sound like. After several minutes, Steven collected himself and hobbled out of the hallway through the exit and left school, barely making the short walk across the street to his house. When he opened the gate to his front yard, something seemed off.
He opened the front door to his home and looked into the kitchen which was immediately next to the entrance. His mom wasn’t there like she was every single day he comes home from school. He found this strange and ventured further in his empty abode, not knowing what to expect. He looked in every room of the house, not running into a soul, except for his pet goldfish, Swimmy. He went into his backyard to see if his mom had taken up gardening for the day and yet again he saw no sign of her. He slowly paced over to the entrance to the cellar. He never really knew what was in there and his parents never really gave him a straight answer when he asked about it. He figured this was his chance to learn what might await him down there in the darkness. Maybe a snake filled pit, or a nest full of enormous spiders? Whatever was inside there, he really wanted to know. He cautiously opened the heavy, wooden doors and looked inside to see nothing but a damaged, wooden staircase and utter darkness. He pulled out his smartphone and opened up his flashlight app to use as his source of light. Steven took his first step on the stairs and the board immediately broke. This sent him falling into the mysterious abyss headfirst. His head hit solid concrete and he immediately lost consciousness. Steven awoke in a brightly lit metal room with no doors, no windows, and just light bulbs. He heard heavy breathing around him, yet he saw nothing. Steven then suddenly realized that this is going to be a nightmare.

Steven awoke to the sound of something clanging against the metal walls. He jerked up and looked around the cramped room, seeing nothing, yet still hearing the clanging noise. Steven then realized that the sound was coming from the outside of the room. He crawled over to the wall where the sound seemed to be emanating from, and he decided to knock back. Once he knocked back, there was a long silence and then suddenly, the room started to violently shake. He was flung around, but he couldn’t find anything to grip on the slick, shiny metal walls. Steven’s head was then harshly slammed into one of the walls and he immediately slipped into unconsciousness.

Steven groggily woke up in his house. It took him a second to realize that he was finally out of the nightmarish room. He thought it might have been a dream, yet when he felt his head; there was a large bump from it being slammed into a metal wall. When Steven got up, he felt a sharp, heavy pain in his side. He pulled up his dirty t-shirt to reveal a large bloody wound that was sloppily sewed up. He was in shock as to what happened, but then it finally came to him. Someone stole one of his kidneys…

The author's comments:
This is just a short piece I made for English.

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