what happened to lavina | Teen Ink

what happened to lavina

July 23, 2013
By thewriterwrites BRONZE, Glasgow, Other
thewriterwrites BRONZE, Glasgow, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What happened to lavina :)
Lavina woke from a nightmare she got out her miniture single bed. Suddenly she noticed how bright her bedroom was even in the dark. Lavina had a luminous green and luminous pink vertical striped bedroom.Amazingly she remembered it was Christmas due to that she exitedly ran down the stairs even though she was 13 years old she, like a little kid loved xmas sooo much her best friends thought she was daft. Talking about best friends, Lavina had four best friends Alicia, Katia, Zara and Olly they weren't all besties together Alicia didnt even know the others because she did not even go to the same school she went to Streetwood Primary and the others went to Appleroad Primary.Anyway lets get on with the story so Lavina ran down stairs to find three presents Lavina was upset because she had two older 17 year old brothers so they only had one each. What was wrong? Soon after that her mum got up she looked beautiful in her black silk nighty dead slinky she was only 33 years old she was 16 when she had Axel and Daniel and 20 when she had lavina.Yawning lavinas mum asked why they hadnt got her up for christmas and they asked why she had only got them one present. They thought it was because they hadn't been paying bills after her mum lost her job they were short for money and were getting child support. Thier mum burst into tears, she had been crying alot lately every night before she went to bed and every day when she woke up.Her mum would cry and wipe her eyes put some makeup on get dressed in a short dress and massive heels and go out the pub or even the club she always said she would be back before midnight but also every night failed to keep her promise.Some times when Lavina was 10 her mum told her where she was going and sometimes thier neighbour Mrs Robertson caught them when their mum was out and threatened to call the social.While having a good look at her mum she could tell she had a hangover she had bloodshot eyes and kept rubbing her head moaning about a headache. She kept saying she was a rubbish and unfit mother and they should probably be taken into care.Which was not true because lavina loved her mum sooo much and her mum was lovely inside and out because she had long black hair like lavina green eyes but lavina had blue.Her mum was tall so was lavina anyway her mum dryed her eyes and she answered "i dont know"the brothers had picked up thier presents but at that they flung it across the room and walked out the room Lavinas mum Jade whispered curiously "they dont like me do They"lavina told jade they were in a bad mood suddenly they heard a two slams of the door one after the other. Lavinas mum smiled "do you want to have a girls day out eh?"Lavina knew her mum was short for money but didnt want to make her upset again her mum must of caught her thoughts and flashed a new credit card. Lavina froze,her mum was not allowed credit cards, twice already she had been in debt prison before the boys were born."fine"Lavina said worriedly.For once her mum got changed into a T-shirt and leggings and a pair of cheap trainers. She put her hair in a ponytail shoved on a waterproof jacket and only wore consealer mascara and clear shiny lip balm. Her mum looked different she looked younger and smart and a normal mother.Lavina understood now she was trying to make out to people she was an ordinary mum. She looked like one but actually she looked like a sister and that was a good thing. Jade told Lavina to look her best and they would go for a special treat they caught a bus and went to the town centre first they went to get lavina a new top and skirt then they went to get lavinas first ever pair of high heels and last of all the went for a soda at soda climb the total cost was £189.47 every time her mum put her card in the machine she was worrried it would decline.They caught the bus back and her brothers where back they thought the social had came! Suddenly Alicia came to the door so lavina rushed out the door and away...
Alicia asked were she was going and what happened Lavina told her about what happened with the presents, how her mum started cring and thier shopping trip.She listened and she asked lavina if she wanted to have a sleepover at her house lavina curiously said yes but also asked why Alicia had offered Alicia said because it was saturday and her mum would let her because it was 1:52pm and she just needed to know before 3:00pm so she could go get extra food. Lavina looked anxiously at Alicia, Lavina had always been jealous of Alicias mum and dad. Lavina didnt even have a dad and a mum who was a teacher certianly would never do what lavinas mum does. Lavina said yes and they went up to Alicias house to tell her mum but she didnt know what lavinas mum does and what people call her around the state. Alicias mum said yes and had a hard look at lavina,Lavina thought she would guess what happened but instead she said "your eyeliner is smudged". Lavina was relieved she didnt guess. Both of them went up to Alicias room and chatted about thier schools. Lavina reapplyed her makeup although Alicia didnt have much makeup Lavina was happy to share. Time went by and it was soon 5:00pm they went downstairs to find homemade spaghetti bolagnase sitting at the dining table.Amazingly enough it was phenomanal after that they went up stairs to watch a movie and it was really funny. They went downstairs to watch some tv and then it was time for bed at 9pm. Lavina went to bed feeling safe and sound,for once.
Lavina woke up at 9am and got dressed so did Alicia and they went downstairs and down to Lavinas mum. Lavinas mum was in a tizzy asking were she was.Lavina told her she was at Alicias house all night.Jade was angry at not telling her or phoning her and she was a stupid git who didnt care if her mum was worried sick. Lavina ran out the front door and came back at 12noon for lunch and took a 10 pound note and left. She went to a chippy and got a big bag of chips at 5pm she after that wandered about in the dark she trudged back in cold and hungry at 9pm. She went up to her bed which was freezing and woke up at 7am she made herself some toast and butter she shoved on her school pencil skirt a 3 quarter lenth sleeve blouse and her black high heels. She grabbed her jacket and schoolbag she brushed her hair and left for school.
She was greeted by Olly Katie and Zara,she decided not to tell them because it made it feel all to real and they talked about the weekends Lavina said she was at a sleepover and Zara was at the holiday camp, Katie was at two swimming galas and Olly was staying at her dads. Suddenly the bell rung for class they were learning chemistry Lavina was rubbish at it she kept needing to copy Ollys and then the next bell rung for interval. Lavina went to the cafeteria to get a cookie and a milkshake. They all went outside zara shown her ipod and started playing "gangnam style" they were talking about popstarz and the bell rang they were doing spelling and had to spell level 7 words which was hard and then they had to do a spelling test on all the words out of 50 and Lavina got 49 the highest in the whole class.Soon after the bell rang for lunch and Lavina just had a salad and a bottle of water which was not very nice indeed the others just had a milkshake and a pinini.It looked scrumshious.They all went outside to the toilets to apply makeup Lavina put on black eyeliner mascara consealer foundation eyeshadow and lipstick.They were outside talking when the bell rung they were to write a poem or a rhyme about family!heres what Lavina wrote
The teacher wanted them all to read them out to the class "lavina would you like to read yours out"the teacher said mockingly because she had walked around looking at the rhymes or poems."no miss"she said very quietly looking at all the classes mocking face "that wasnt a question that was me telling you to" Lavina had no choice but to read it out at the end the teacher said that was the worst rhyme ever and it might upset kids with abusing parents so Lavina had to do extra rhyme writing at home and if it is stupid she will need to write another one.At the end of that long day she walked home with Katie soon katie hopped on a bus while Lavina made her last part of her way home alone. To her surprise there was men and women all in her home her mum was crying again and a woman was packing up all Lavinas clothes she asked what was happening she realised they were social workers her mum was getting taken into prison there was also a police man there holding her mums hands together at her back a social worker came out Lavinas room and hurried lavina out the house.Lavina asked what her mum had done she told her that her brothers had reported her for hitting her, Lavina burst out the woman arms and told her she had never hit her in her life and the social worker woman told her she had been caught taking drugs and Lavina would need to go in a childrens home for a few years another social worker a man this time hurriedly led Lavina into a car it smelled like lavender she soon realised that her social workers name was lavender and thats why it smelled like it. They drove to a small house with ivy creeping up the wall she could hear children running about and shouting.The minute she stepped inside she was surrounded by children of all ages boys and girls tall and small.Worriedly she got pushed by the social worker up to and small pretty woman called frannie and a man called bert.She was to call them aunt and uncle.It was tea time and it was spaghetti bolagnase which reminded Lavina of Alicia she hadnt got to say goodbye she wolfed down her dinner and started dialling Alicias number she got though to alicia and explained alicia was sorry to hear and they would try meet up at the weekends.As soon as she finished phoning she went up to frannie and asked where she was sleeping Frannie laughed and told Lavina she had to get a bath,supper and brush her teeth before she went to bed.Lavina hopped in and out her bath wolfed down supper, speeded over her teeth and told frannie she sighed and shown her room to her it was light blue with microphone stickers on the wall it was like it was made for her.Frannie told her about a girl that used to be in this room but got fostered.Lavina flopped down on her bed and started cursing all sorts to her brothers until she thought wait this isnt nice they were just worried but they are the reason she was here she wondered where her brothers were anyway.She woke up the next morning got ready for school and tryed to leave but fran wouldnt let her "i will drop you off at school hun"she stated there was obviously no point to argue they 10 minutes later drove up to the school she usually walked herself so this was a surprise some people pointed others laughed Frannie steered Lavina past all the kids into the playground.Zara,Katie and Olly sighed and rolled thier eyes at all the idiots but gave a forced smile when they seen Lavina and gave a pitying look.Frannie took Lavina to the head teacher to explain and every so often she would ask Lavina "is this true" and Lavina would nod siliently.Eventually Frannie had finished and by then the bell had rang Lavina came in the middle of the poem writing class she forgot to do that homework she had been given but the teacher didnt.She asked her where it was Lavina said she forgot it the teacher was shouting at her suddenly the phone rang miss dryan the teacher picked it up and every few seconds she would say ok or yep and when she put the phone down she gave Lavina a smile and said sorry.Soon after interval the class were doing art with a different teacher the teacher asked them all to do a detailed picture of someone in thier family and as if it was a postcard on the back write a little caption .Lavina did her picture it was of her mum and on the back she wrote in capitals...

The author's comments:
on Christmas realises just how bad her life is when the only pace she feels safe is at her friends house eventually something is done about it

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